Friday, October 23, 2009

Shocker!! Jon Gosselin Still Hasn't Paid Kate Back

I think I might have said a few weeks ago that there was no way Jon Gosselin was going to come up with the $180K the judge said he needed to repay to the family bank account. Jon has until Monday and I can tell you that the only way it is going to happen is if someone gives him a loan based on future earnings. He doesn't have the money otherwise. Do you want to know where it went? It sure as hell didn't go to his kids. It probably went to Hailey Glassman's fake breasts, all of that Louis Vuitton I saw her wearing and carrying last weekend, vacations, Gucci sneakers, and to invest in the Michael Lohan Mesh Shirt Corporation.

According to Kate's lawyers, Jon deposited $28,500 a week ago and nothing since. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Not even used Ed Hardy t-shirts. If he had it all he would have deposited it then.

On Monday Kate's lawyer will be in court and Jon will probably whine and avoid being held in contempt. I can't believe he took money from his kids to party like a washed up middle aged man on the hunt for 20 year old women with no self esteem who think that just because they buy Louis Vuitton they look good but he did.


  1. Oh ick.

    This is what happens when low-class trash come into a lot of money fast.

  2. Hailey Glassman's father is a plastic surgeon, so I don't think she needed Jon's money for fake breasts.

  3. Yawwwwn!!
    I'm over these 2 & don't care what happens to them.
    I'm all for celebrity gossip, but these people are NOT celebrities. At least I don't celebrate them.

  4. Make them go away.

  5. Please, no more of these two. If there's good news for the kids, cool. But otherwise, "yawn" and "make them go away" as so aptly stated above.

  6. Ditto all of the above.

  7. Didn't read this story. You know why? I could give a shit about either of these two. Can we stop with the updates on these two fucktards?

  8. I agree.  Let's just ignore them, please.  

  9. "At least I don't celebrate them."

    Well said austinrob.

  10. They made their own bed and they can't blame anyone but themselves for what they are going through.

    The kids don't deserve this crap and neither do we.

  11. I've read that Jon's new attorney does this with all of his clients, mostly so he gets paid his high rate, but what generally happens is that the court keeps extending the deadline and then the client claims the money is gone, on attorney's fee's etc... Kate and the kids will never see a dime more of that money.

    There is an article about Jon missing his dogs, not the kids but his dogs, he has an apartment so why aren't they with him in NYC if he misses his animals so much - the guy gets creepier by the day if possible.

  12. I'm not usually a complainer but, why are we still looking at these two? If she hooks up with Levi and his Johnson and/or he actually spends a day with his children it may be interesting reading...

    'til then I don't want to see them, anywhere.

  13. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I don't like either one of them, but I do want to keep hearing about them because I love train wrecks and anyway, they make me feel superior. So there.

  14. Jon looks like a lemur in that pic.
    Another reason to hate them? They gave the dogs back to the breeder. What were they thinking getting those dogs in the first place? Assholes.

  15. I agree with zandra, the atty. has it.

  16. I didn't want to comment on these two parasites anymore but I was thinking if enough of us request it, can they be vaporized from this site?
