Thursday, October 01, 2009

Ryan Jenkins' Dad Hires PI To Look For Real KIller

Ryan Jenkins' dad is starting to sound a lot like OJ. All we need now is Ryan's dad to write a book called "If Ryan Had Done It," and the circle would be complete. Today in Calgary there is going to be a memorial for Ryan. Ryan of course was the one and only suspect in the murder of Jasmine Fiore who was found in a dumpster back in the middle of August. Ryan then escaped to Canada where he later killed himself.

Ryan's dad told the Calgary Herald that he believes his son is innocent and is spending some of his fortune to prove it. "We have not been in a place emotionally that we can go to California yet, so I've retained sources down there to help us," said the architect. We just want the truth to be told."

You want the truth to be told? OK, here it goes, and I am not even going to charge you for it. Your son got jealous and he got into a fight with Jasmine. He probably went too far and ended up killing her. He then wanted to make sure he wasn't caught so he chopped off her fingers and pulled out her teeth in the middle of the desert and then dumped her body in a trash can. While he was doing that he sent their wedding rings to be cleaned in Las Vegas and called the police to report she was missing. He then drove up to the Canadian border and took a boat to Canada. He called his sister who picked him up and drove him to Hope where he killed himself. The end.


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