Ryan Jenkins Blames Jasmine Fiore For Her Death
Police in Buena Park found the Will of Ryan Jenkins on the hard drive of his computer yesterday. The Will was written three days before he killed himself in a Canadian motel. The Will reads more like a letter than a traditional Will and the police are calling it a suicide note.
Ryan blames Jasmine Fiore for the mess he was in and that the only reason he found himself stuck in a motel in the middle of nowhere was because she was beautiful, he loved her and he was tired of her sleeping with ex-boyfriends. So, of course she is to blame for him killing her. Don't blame yourself for killing her or chopping off her fingers. Nope. Blame her. Yeah.
According to the police Ryan doesn't mention anything about Jasmine's death or how she died or that he was a suspect in her death which says that he did it. Apparently omissions are a bad thing when writing notes. Who knew?
"The lack of acknowledging that he'd just lost his wife speaks volumes."
The letter also apologized to his family for putting them through all the publicity. It didn't identify Jasmine's killer so Ryan's dad will still need to get those private investigators working to see if they can find her killer. This is going to be something that shows up on Dateline once a year where we see all these new theories about who killed her and how.