Friday, October 02, 2009

Roman Polanski Is Going To Get Pardoned - I Smell It

There are a lot of headlines this morning that say Arnold Schwarzenegger is not going to pardon Roman Polanski. However when you read the actual articles or his quotes from the interview you see that what he actually says is that he won't pardon Roman Polanski in advance. That is much different from saying that he won't pardon the guy at all. The way I read it, Arnold is a huge fan of Roman and probably would love to be in one of his movies at some point. The Governor was practically drooling when he spoke about the director.

"I think that he is a very respected person, and I am a big admirer of his work."

Arnold said Roman should be treated like everyone else despite the fact that Roman is famous. "It doesn't matter if you are a big-time movie actor or a big-time movie director or producer, I think he should be treated like everyone else."

Sounds kind of good for not pardoning the guy until you read this last little bit he said which probably makes Roman's attorneys think long and hard about coming back to California and getting this over.

"One should look into all of the allegations, not only his allegations but the allegations about his case. Was there something done wrong? You know, was injustice done in the case?"

It sounds to me like Arnold thinks there was injustice in the case. He doesn't mention the woman at all, or the the gruesome aspects of the case. He seems to have jumped on the injustice bandwagon and I think that if Roman did come back and was sent to jail, that Arnold would pardon the guy. Arnold is not running for re-election so he doesn't have to worry about anything other than movies for his future.


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