Thursday, October 08, 2009

Marie Claire Gets Out The Serious Kneepads For Hilary Swank

It would come as no surprise to me if the reporter who interviewed Hilary Swank for Marie Claire this month got her Master's Degree from People Magazine with a minor in Larry King. What is shocking to me is that despite what is possibly the most ass kissiest, soft ball questioning interview of all time I still found something to ask all of you. But first the questions. Forget the answers to most of these, I just want to show you the questions.

Oh, but before we get to the questions lets read the first line of the article shall we? "The strong, square jaw, the gleaming smile, the playful, snapping's impossible not to recognize Hilary Swank." At this point Hilary Swank's publicist had an orgasm.

Now the questions:

1. One myth about you is that you're such a hard worker, you don't know how to have fun.

2. How do you relax now?

3. Was letting go something you also had to learn how to do?

4. People are so awed by the glamour of famous actresses' lives—they assume they just sit around in designer gowns all day. Myth?

***Note from me*** Ummm, seriously? Isn't that insulting to Marie Claire's readers? I mean the whole interview is insulting to the profession of journalism, but are Marie Claire readers idiots who think actresses sit around in designer gowns all day?

5. What do you sleep in?

This was a soft ball question, but Hilary blew it. She answered nothing. The interviewer tried to help Hilary with the answer by offering this followup.

6. I sleep in pj's. I have two young sons, so I have to be conscious of that.

Hilary still didn't take the bait and then proceeded to tell the world that her boyfriend's six year old son saw Hilary naked every morning. " Well, my boyfriend's son is 6 years old, and you wonder at what age you should stop walking around nude. Every morning he comes into the bedroom, and you're just nude. But he doesn't look twice; he doesn't think about it yet. I just toss and turn too much when I sleep, and if I'm in clothes, I get all twisted up." Think about it like this. What would you think about a man being naked in front of a six year old girl everyday who wasn't his daughter?

At that point I couldn't take any more "questions" from the reporter. If you want to read other classics like "You have such an incredible figure, and I bet you never have to work out," then by all means click here and read it. Where was the question in that last statement anyway? None of these people have any pride at all. Yeah, I'm talking to you Joanna Coles (she was the reporter). Ask a question. Do some research. Avoid asking for autographs from the interviewee. Don't moan when you meet them.


  1. Usually Marie Claire is a bit more intelligent...ugh.

  2. I think people make way to big of a thing out of nudity. I don't think nudity in itself is bad it is the context of the nudity. If she and her boyfriend were going at it while nude than yeah, it would be inappropriate.

    I know she is not actually his mom but I have seen my mom naked a million times (and visa versa) because we shared a bathroom. I am sure that if my mom gets to the point where she can't take care of herself then I will be giving her sponge baths and pulling her on and off the toilet.

    Why is nudity so shameful?

  3. Alice:

    It's probably construed as shameful because equating "naked" and "shameful" is learned behaviour most of us are taught from a young age, especially if you go to church when you're a kid.

    That's my thought process.


  5. Saw the trailer for Amelia. This woman is not attractive.

  6. Saw the trailer for Amelia. This woman is not attractive.

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Hilary Swank = totally bland.

  8. What about the fact that her boyfriend was married with a young child when she started dating him....any shame there?

  9. I mean, call me crazy but I'm not really looking to Marie Claire for hard-hitting journalism. It's a god damn fashion magazine that sometimes touches upon real issues (usually, with a political slant.)

    I could see the outrage if this was a person who impacts people - like the pres or a governor or employer - but actress Hillary Swank. Who gives a fuck? She's an actress. And it's not like this is the NY Times or Time Magazine or Politico. It's fucking Marie Claire. I read it to find out about what's hot in shoes and blouses.

    Get a grip, Enty.

  10. Thanks for the lunchtime chuckle, Enty!

  11. Susan:

    Does Marie Claire really talk politics? Or talk subjects with a political slant?

  12. I used to subscribe. An issue or two with political slants were usually featured each month. No big whoop.

    I guess, I just don't understand the outrage at a softball interview with a celebrity actress in a fashion mag. Am I missing something here?

  13. hilary swank, glamorous? uh, like anyone is going to buy that?

  14. "Myth?" I love that. I am going to start using that every time I interview people, after every statement.

    "A lot of people think priests never, ever have bad thoughts. Myth?"

    "A lot of people think you female soccer players are gay. Myth?"

  15. Susan:

    I don't think you're missing anything, I just think people get bees in their bonnets over certain topics. Easy interviews, I think, get on Ent's case.

  16. Hillary Swank is most fascinating for being the least fascinating double-Oscar winner ever. She is not sexy, she is not mysterious, she is not intriguing. She is "just" a really talented hard working actress who brings authenticity to her blue collar/wrong side of the tracks roles. And no matter how she tries to capture the spirit of Amelia E, the trailers and publicity shots reveal that she is only achieving a "desperately trying too hard" impact. She can't and never will exude the "je ne sais quoi" that keeps Amelia fascinating decades after disappearing into the Pacific (or escaping to a secret island).

  17. Anonymous11:49 AM


    I was going to say something about the word "Myth" but you did a better job Linnea LOL.

  18. "Don't moan when you meet them."
    LOL Thanks, Enty!

  19. Did anyone see the Office episode where they wasted an entire day debating whether Swank was hot or not? It came to a tie vote and was hilarious. That's what I think about when I think of her now.

  20. lol@linnea.

    I, too, was trying to think of some good "myth?" questions, but yours were better.

  21. Doesn't really matter what she does. She screwed herself when she divulged her ex-husband's addiction. Everyone said, "Ick," and moved on to adoring other actresses. No one cares about Swank anymore.

  22. Judi, totally agree. When she went public with Chad's issues NOT HERS she lost all respect from me. And quite frankly, being naked in front of someone else's child is so inapproriate
