Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Look Out India - Here Comes Lindsay Lohan

Apparently the standards fo the BBC are not what they used to be. Either that or they are doing an undercover documentary on the best jewelry fences in South Asia. According to Lindsay Lohan and not the BBC, Lindsay and a BBC crew are headed to India next month to film a documentary on the trafficking of children. This should NOT be confused with children who are only 15 or 16 going out and partying with 35 year olds every night and their drug addicted sister. This is entirely different and what better person in the world to bring you this tale than Lindsay Lohan.

Seriously? BBC WTF? No other person said yes? Are you sure you called everyone? Here is what Lindsay had to say. "I'm going to India soon, actually, before Thanksgiving. And I'm doing a documentary for the BBC Network. It all happened actually when I was in Dubai. I like to support charities. I think it's important to kind of have a voice when you can have one, and make a difference."

Uh huh. When she means support she means getting invited to charity events and getting items on "loan" to wear to said events.

"It's basically on the trafficking of children in Behar, India. So it'll be starting soon. We're just trying to work out the times and the dates. I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited to do something like that."

Uh huh. Interesting. And once again BBC, why did you pick Lindsay? Is she qualified to do this or even speak in complete sentences? Did you think she seems like someone people would want to talk to about this?


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Never going to happen. This is like the time she said Al Gore and Hillary Clinton were taking her to Iraq and going to save her. More drug-addled lies.

  2. Oh give me a break. "'s important to kind of have a voice" means to "be seen at any possible opportunity" to try to regain any semblance of a career.
    What a mistake by the BBC if this happens.

  3. With all due respect Enty, I think it's about due time for a Lohan blackout. Not only Lindsay, but her entire repulsive family... Pretty please?

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    If the BBC really invited this dimwit they must have really lowered their standards.

  5. Has anyone noticed that Ent tends to put a really obnoxious picture (or a picture of someone generally loathed, or both) as the last item of the day before random photos? And then we are forced to look at said photo over and over while waiting for the randoms to be posted? I think he does this as a cruel joke.

  6. is she wearing a jacket with no shirt?

  7. Hey Lindsay, there's child trafficking right here in the US...why not bring some attention to that? Oh that's right, it's only cool and only lands you "cool points" with the other asshole celebs to do it in a foreign country. God forbid any of these assholes could stop bashing the US for 5 minutes and actually put their money and fame to use to fix some of the issues here in the country that made them rich to begin with....nah, I guess it's more fun and earns you more liberal cred to bash the US , instead of ponying up and DOING SOMETHING besides running your ignorant mouths. Go figure.

    If Lindsay wants to go to a Third-World hellhole, she should check out Detroit. There are many opportunities to help people right here in our own country, because as far as I'm concerned, charity begins at home.

    This is the main reason I never support these people financially because I'd rather keep my money and donate it to charities that help my fellow countrymen (or save it and use it to pay bills so I can take time to volunteer, etc), instead of having these people take my money and give it to someone halfway around the world. This is the reason we have so many problems here, because the people who SHOULD be serving their own country just bash it and fly halfway around the world to help some other country's needy. It's asinine and I'll never understand it.

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    What Amanda Rae said.

  9. I didn't even recognize her in this picture. What did she do to her lips?

    Ditto to what Amanda Rae said.

  10. WTF is wrong with this girl's face? I realize this pic might not be immediately current, but come ON, for chrissakes.
    and about the post--lies, lies lies. Oh, and delusions. On her part.

    And the funniest part is that she was in DUBAI? As in, the Dubai where a person can get into major trouble for just making out on the beach? Executed for drugs? You mean THAT Dubai?

    Bwahahahaaaaa! Riiigggggghhhht. Unbelievable she made it in, and then back out, of Dubai.

  11. And I triple Ditto what AmandaRae said.

  12. I finally figured out what's wrong with her physically. First, she needs to put on weight. Like, maybe a good thirty pounds. Then, she needs to get rid of those horrible cheek implants and that crap in her lips. She needs to stop tanning and she needs to dye her hair back to red. She needs to kick all the drug use and cigarettes and top it off with a straight week of sleep. After that, we drop her in therapy for two years.

  13. And in other news, Alexander Skarsgard just asked me to marry him...shh don't tell my fiance!

    Yeah right, Lindsay. Hopefully someone will offer a trip to Mt. Everest and push her off.

  14. Ditto Isabel, too!

    Why oh why can't she just go back to being a healthy, fresh, clean, red-haired freckle-faced talented young lady?

  15. There's really only one bright side to this... she can't put a child into a suitcase and smuggle it past customs.
    Although I really think this goes into the "when pigs fly" category - because IMHO, to be a credible source, first and foremost, you have to be able to string together a coherent, intelligent sentence ... and by that, I mean one that doesn't begin or end with "give me the tray and the straw"

  16. I hope she finds some balance in her life because there's no bowl to hang on to on a squat toilet.

  17. Anonymous1:36 PM

    i try to stick up 4 lindsay but these types of "charity" things she tries to do seem to be an effort to act like angelina or someone like that. it doesnt seem real coming from her. sorry lindsay.

  18. Not buying it, and I read the British papers everyday and she isn't making news over there.

  19. For the record, I give money to charities at home and abroad. Both need help and all people are equally deserving of it.

  20. Why thanks! I honestly thought I'd get shit for that comment, and RocketQueen, I am not saying that people in other countries do not deserve help, but we will be in a better position (and be taken more seriously) if we help our OWN needy first.

    Think of it like this...the people here that we help to become more productive (for lack of a better word) citizens that will be likely to remember how they themselves were helped, and so hopefully they will go on to help others in need, and if less people are needy here, then we will expand our charitable efforts to other countries, thereby reducing poverty EVERYWHERE.

    However, if we ignore our own for others, we will collapse and be unable to help ANYONE. I want to help everyone, but there has to be some discretion, and to me, this makes the most sense. Also, people like to lament the lack of community, and complain about not knowing their neighbors, and what is a better way to know the people in your community than to help the most needy? It strengthens our country, which, like I said, is only a good thing because it will make us more unified and in a better position to help others, regardless of where in the world they live.

  21. Just saw on The Superficial some pix of LiLo eating in a cafe and I must say that--with bed-head and no makeup--she looked kinda GOOD. Check it out.

  22. Are we sure she isn't going to India to start child trafficking?

    I mean her burglary ring got busted. She had to turn to something. She needs the drug $$$.

  23. I agree entirely with Amanda Rae. For goodness sake, even in an airplane emergency, you're supposed to help yourself with the drop down oxygen mask before you help your neighbor!

  24. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I agree with Amanda's 1st and 2nd comments.

  25. Amanda,
    kudos to you for voicing an opinion I have long held myself. very eloquent and thoughtful of you.
    and I live in metro Detroit, while we may be down, we are not out. Detroit is a city that has always pulled together in tough times. We also care for our neighbors here and give even if it hurts, because there is someone always worse off than you.

  26. Did I accidentally stumble into a conservative convention?

  27. i'm going to give the bbc the benefit of the doubt and assume that they're simply trying to help lindsay clean up her image a bit. they're' obviously not as jaded as we are about her, so good for them. i hope it works out and that it's a documentary that can make an impact.

  28. Anonymous4:13 PM

    All I needed to read was "according to Lindsay Lohan." This will not be happening anywhere outside of Lindsay's drug-addled mind. The downward spiral continues...

  29. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Hmm.. I always figured her for an upper user.

    Opium/heroin overdose or arrest is my prediction

  30. Maybe someone will buy her in India.

  31. amanda rae: I was a little pissed at what you wrote until you explained what you meant.
    Really? You;re correct and I had to stop being an old judgemental snarker to understand.

    Charity really does begin at home, but not for everyone.
    With those with the means...say you're in an actor in a foreign country filming a might begin overseas.

    I only say this because if I were an Angie Jo I may have done what she did. If I were an regular tourist I might not...but I saw a child starving I would literally take the food out of my mouth and give it to any child any where any time in any country to prevent their starving.
    A dog too. An animal...too.
    I cannot abide suffering of any species.

    I get your point...very correct, on target and totally logical.

    Overseas charities were not started by movie stars; my memory tells me that Doctors without BORDERS started well as UNICEF.

    The foreign charities have been around for decades. THis is no indication that Americans are not being helped as well.

    Still...good comment.

  32. Mooshki-

    Perhaps...I am a conservative, but the thing is, conservative does not automatically equal "bigoted asshole racist", like so many people think.

    I have noticed that it is often considered a hostile act for me to even post a slightly conservative OPINION of mine. Why is that the case? I have never tried to preach to anyone, convert anyone, or stop anyone from living their lives as they choose. As long as they are consenting adults, I do not CARE what people do, but I do not have to approve. Why is a differing opinion (usually coming from a conservative perspective) such a threat?

    It is especially ironic that the people who are LEAST tolerant of dissenting opinions are the people who are the biggest champions for tolerance, acceptance, and free speech....those of a more liberal bent. I doubt that you would appreciate your political/personal/moral/etc beliefs being used as some type of slur, so why wouldn't you show some tolerance for differing opinions? I am trying to get past the whole knee-jerk "OMG libruuulz eww" crap, and it would be nice if we could ALL do that and try to find some sort of consensus here. But I don't know....maybe we can get close if people are not called names for having different beliefs. Just a thought....


    Well, your explanation actually made ME think outside my frame of reference and see how celebs could end up doing charity work for needy in other countries. Sometimes that's what we need, ALL of us, to see things from a different perspective. I am working on it in general, and it is amazing when it actually kinda clicks, like it did from your comment. So thank you for that :)

  33. Anonymous3:27 AM

    "Dear God, what IS that THING?!"

  34. Do we have to get political? I read the paper over coffee and listened to the news on the way into work this morning...isn't that enough?

    "I think it's important to kind of have a voice when you can have one, and make a difference." This means NOTHING. WTF. Hey guys I am running a 5k for charity this weekend and you know I think it is important to kind of be able to run when you can run, and make a difference. AHHHHHH!!!! ps. I am not really running a 5k.

    And her face is what happens when you use heroin and other hard drugs to excess. Bill Evans & Pete Doherty are the first to pop into my head. Her lips are obviously from horrible cosmetic injections though a la Goldie in First Wives Club...laughable if it were not so sad.

  35. Who's her pimp? I might like to visit Dubai. I mean seriously, isn't that why she was there? Maybe India too. I guess Europeans aren't paying anymore. Europe is so last year. I'll put my money on Africa for 2010. What do you think?

  36. Alice D Millionaire-

    Apparently we cannot avoid getting political, because someone ALWAYS has to take a potshot at those big, bad nasty conservatives, even when it's completely irrelevant to the topic of discussion. It's a nice idea though, and just *might* work if people would stop automatically equating opinions with political philosophies (especially since so little in this world falls neatly into that black or white, either or mindset), but I don't see that happening any time soon.

    As for Lohan's lips, is that big freckle on her upper lip really horrifying to anyone else besides me? The duck lips just makes it look worse and more noticeable, at least to me. Yuck.

  37. Please everyone, this is the place I come to to get a break from the political debates I hear in the news non-stop.

  38. Personally, I think this is a place where Enty welcomes everyone's opinion, whether it's political or not.

    I also don't watch or read the news, so I do enjoy getting people's differing perspectives here.

    I think *everyone* should be free to voice their opinion here, whether it be about a celebrity, politics, current events or other topics. Reading and understanding opinions that differ from mine is part of what makes me grow.

    And, not conservative here...or liberal either : )

  39. ... and in comes shakey to make it low brow ...

    She probably auditioned for it and assumed she got it because she *is* Lindsay Lohan, after all.

    If she goes to India she'll be safe. Cows are sacred there, and almost as thin as she is.
