Friday, October 16, 2009

Lindsay Lohan's Third Strike But It Won't Matter

After a very long absence from her alcohol class, Lindsay showed up last night. The reason? Well she has been ordered back into court today because she has been skipping class and that doesn't even count the boozing and prescription drugs and coke and burglaries and goodness, how come she isn't in jail again?

Since January, Lindsay has violated the rules of her substance program at least twice. This will be the third time but it won't matter. This is Lindsay and she has the best defense lawyer in town. She is like the Pete Doherty of America except Pete doesn't steal does he? He does the bisexual thing like Lindsay, but he doesn't steal. Plus he is a singer. Oh, what the hell it is close enough.

It is remarkable though how a few months of absence is suddenly corrected when the judge says they want to see you the next day. Do you think Lindsay would have gone to school last night if the judge hadn't ordered her to court? Hell no. Lindsay would have blown off alcohol class for alcohol drinking.


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