Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lil Wayne Won't Be Getting Anyone Pregnant For A Year

Lil Wayne plead guilty this morning to gun possession charges. As part of his plea agreement the prolific sperm donor will spend a year behind bars. Lil Wayne had been charged with multiple gun possession crimes and faced up to 7 years behind bars. The incident happened when police found a loaded 9mm gun on Lil Wayne's tour bus. He didn't even notice the police were on the bus because he was getting some woman pregnant. Well, I don't know that for sure, but I would say the odds are pretty good he was.

The plea occurred during a pre-trial hearing for the case which was supposed to go to trial in January.


  1. If he behaves himself he will probably get a few months shaved off that year long sentence.

  2. did he turn in his passport...b/c i'm halfway expecting him to flee to the bahamas. ;)

    lol @ "the prolific sperm donor" women think he's attractive enough to sleep w/ is beyond me.

  3. So this is what it looks like when he tries to close his mouth around all the crap on his teeth.

  4. Its par for the course with rappers lately, it gives them "street cred" sigh

  5. I wouldn't completely write out him not getting anyone pregnant during his time in jail. Jails do have female staff, and he could start a mail order sperm donning service.

  6. Wonder what the po-po were doing on his bus? Let's hope no loaded guns will be lying around when all those women start giving birth - obviously not a good environment.

  7. Anonymous11:00 AM

    He is so gross. Don't get it why women want to screw this guy. Is it his teeth LOL???

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    When I see him, I don't notice his tats or teeth, I always notice how small he is. He's a very tiny man. If he's 5'5, I'd be surprised.

  9. One of his babies hasn't even been born yet. Ugh, get a vasectomy, dude.

  10. @whole_lotto_luv, is that what's wrong with his mouth? He looks deformed. ick nast time.

  11. Oh, he'll find a way...

  12. And the women of the world collectively breathed a sigh of relief...

    I honestly can't see what women see in him. He may just be one of the most unfortunate people I've ever seen, next to Rumer Wilis.

  13. @sunnyside1213: I think he has some big teeth to begin with, but I've read he has about $150,000 worth of diamonds in his teeth.

  14. He better unload that mouth before he goes to jail, or he'll leave there toothless.

  15. @ Syd he might leave there toothless anyway if someone takes a shine to all that ugly and he doesn't orally reciprocate.

  16. LOL @ the headline.

    He's not exactly what I would call a fine specimen of man, but to each her own right?

    I did watch episodes of Tiny & Toya w/his ex-wife...I'll be honest, I liked her! Woman has been through some rough crap, married Wayne when they were still kids. She's got some class.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. he looks like a grandma.

    but i've heard he's really nice and somewhat intelligent. maybe the women go for his charm?

  19. I thought that was Whoopie Goldberg for a minute.
    Is it true he came up with the word "bling"?

  20. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I'm torn between applauding him for owning up to his actions and shaking my head at the publicity stunt. What top-selling rapper (other than Jay-Z) hasn't been in jail or shot? It's almost a requirement to remain in the rapping "profession".

    Dude is crazy charming; that's why get gets so many women. If he got 3 women pregnant within 12 months, I wonder how many *other* women there were who had the (gulp) opportunity?

  21. You people are looking at this wrong. Women aren't getting pregnant because he's attractive.

    For Exhibit A, I point to the recently reduced Federline, Kevin. Getting $20,000 a month indefinitely for no other reason than impregnating one Spears, Britney.

    I think those women may be in for a surprise, though. Wayne will be broke and probably dealing on the streets in 2 years.

  22. Have his children been drawing on his face?

  23. Repulsively ugly.
