Friday, October 30, 2009

Khloe & Lamar Can't Get Their Stories Straight

While walking the red carpet earlier this week at Lamar Odom's horrible fashion line, Khloe and Lamar got separated. What that means is that reporters asked both of the same questions but they weren't together to get their answers straight. It is kind of like Newlyweds, but with no prizes at the end and Bob Eubanks isn't hitting on your wife during commercial breaks.

Anyway, Khloe Kardashian told reporters that she didn't think of herself as a mom to Lamar's two kids but was more of a big sister. She likes to take them shopping and they have fun together.

Lamar on the other hand told one reporter that Khloe has never met his kids which would confirm what their mother has said. Lamar does say that his kids look up to Khloe which is not surprising given how tall she is, but how can you look up to someone you have never met and probably only seen on television hiding coke in her purse. Excellent role model. Oh, or the drunk driving or the jail time. Someone I would want my kids to look up to for sure. Still drinking? Come on over kids and watch her put that liquor away.

Maybe when Khloe said she takes them shopping she meant that she wants to? Maybe she meant that she gets online with them and shops? I'm really confused about that. I will tell you that if she lies about a tiny thing like that then she lies and lies about everything. Hey, like how the coke got in the purse.


  1. Again, I am asking for a bad of all things Kardashian. Please explain to me other than a sex tape, what makes them famous or interesting?

  2. No ban, I find them incredibly amusing.

  3. WAY OT - I just read that Gore Vidal called Roman Polanski's rape victim a hooker:

    "In an interview with The Atlantic, the controversial 83-year-old author of such books as “Myra Breckinridge” and “1876” says of the director’s sex scandal, “I really don’t give a [expletive]. Look am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s being taken advantage of?” "

    Another author / celebrity I will no longer read / watch. Old creep.

  4. Just a question: does anyone care? (I'm not trying to be mean and this is not a rhetorical question).

    Whenever there's something about that family I skip the article and do no read it. Since I don't read about them, I have a hard time understanding why people talk about them so much. So anyone, help me understand.

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Personally I like to read about all the scum of the earth because it makes me feel superior.

    I have one question - why does Lamar only smile with the - I hesitate to call it the Elvis Presley curled lip, because I like Elvis - but he always looks like he's about to snarl.

    And Babs, that is horrifying. Even a hooker deserves to be treated with respect and NOBODY deserves to be raped.

  6. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Everytime I see pictures of these two he looks like his eyes are cross-eyed and she looks like a hooker.

    I wonder if anyone has taken bets as to how long this faux marriage will last.

  7. Is there a story behind the coke in the purse comment?

  8. Lol at "given how tall she is" Ent!

    I find it incredible that you would marry a man/woman without meeting/introducing his kids first. That blows my mind.

  9. What that proves is Khloe is a liar. Its a very unattractive trait in an adult, and isnt she unattractive enough when you get right down to it?

  10. Please oh please oh pleeeeeease, won't these two just go AWAY? gyahh.

    Just Kim I could handle, but the whole fam-damily is getting ridick.

  11. how could you stand Kim selenakyle? when she is the WORST of them all! She is the master mind behind all these publicity stunts! Duh?!

  12. what? lamar has a clothing line?

    well hell. now the 'marriage' makes sense.

  13. Now Enty you know the coke got in her purse the same way the coke got in Lilo's pants.

    It was the Coke Fairies (who are related to the tooth fairy). They glide thru Hollywood leaving Cocaine to celebutards.

  14. Sigh.
    To be honest:
    Enough things are happening in my own life to track anyone else.
    So if this is what the formerly fun gossip is going to amount to, I may aw ell stop paying for cable.
    Sex tape celebrities?
    Idiot jocks with clothing lines?
    SEE ya, Kardasians. You are teaching the world how to write your insignificant asses off.
    Back to my TCM.

    Have a good spookie weekend all CDANers.

    Thanks for letting me comment.
