Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Hope Jessica Simpson Likes Threesomes

After the comments Gerard Butler made the other day about how he really only has threesomes now it makes you stop and wonder if Jessica Simpson really knows what she would get herself into by dating Gerard.

According to the NY Post, Jessica and Gerard had a dinner date last night with a few other friends. According to the source, the couple did that thing couples always do in the tabloids. Come on now say it with me. They only had eyes for each other. Can't someone come up with something more original? Please. It said they talked for two hours straight. Really? What the hell did they talk about for two hours straight? What happens to your image when you wear high waisted jeans to a concert?

At the end of the night the couple left together. Oh, not alone though. Ken Paves went with them. Ooooh. I thought Gerard Butler meant threesomes like with two women and him. Hmmm. Well, this just got more interesting if you think about it in that way. Jessica and Ken already do everything together and so this would just kind of seal the bond so to speak. Of course this could also be Gerard's one man campaign to trail after John Mayer and picking up his cast offs. First there was Jennifer Aniston and now Jessica Simpson. Next on the list would be Jennifer Love Hewitt. Watch out Jamie.


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