Hailey Glassman Says Jon Gosselin is Abusive
I'm guessing that most of you wouldn't date Jon Gosselin even if he were a billionaire. That being said there are some who would date him and Hailey Glassman is one of them. In an attempt to make some money off this relationship, Haily sold an interview to The Insider which airs tomorrow and Friday. In the interview she says that Jon Gosselin emotionally abuses her, lies to her, cheats on her, and as a result of her relationship with him has been called a home wrecker and a fat whore.
Despite all of that though, she loves Jon and wouldn't leave him. "I don't want to leave him all alone," she says. "At the end of the day, I love him but I dislike him at times. When I love someone I would never hurt them."
No, she wouldn't hurt them but she would get paid for an interview, go on national television and tell the world that the man she loves is abusive and lies and cheats on her. Nothing hurtful about that. This whole dynamic is a piece of work. She is going to ride Jon's 15 minutes like that lion and the water buffalo I posted the other day. I wonder if she wants kids.