Guy Ritchie Says Madonna Is "Retarded"
Maybe the British use the word retarded differently than we do here in the States. I doubt it though. Guy Ritchie gave a very extensive interview to Esquire and it is worth the read. I mean really worth the read. It is one of the better interviews I have read lately.
In the interview Guy discusses bars and Sherlock Holmes and of course Madonna. Not much of the interview is about Madonna but for this post, I will focus on that.
The thing I got from reading his thoughts about Madonna is that he really respects her and her career and also that he is still in love with her, but just couldn't handle living with her anymore.
She's a manifester, if there ever was one," he says. "First-rate manifester. Madonna makes things happen. Put Madonna up against any twenty-three-year-old, she'll outwork them, out dance them, outperform them. The woman is broad."
"And, of course, here you go: I still love her," he says. He takes a breath, drives through a red light. If no one is ahead of him, Guy Ritchie does not typically stop. "But she's retarded, too."
I think he means that in an affectionate way. I think. From reading the entire interview I think this was two very motivated people who butt heads frequently. I think though that Guy can relax and be one of the guys and that Madonna is always on and always driven and won't ever take a step back or admit that she needs to take a step back.
As for the divorce? "You can't tell someone when they're getting divorced that their pain is an illusion," he says. "I'm fucking telling you, I feel it, I've been through that. You have, too. No one can say you don't feel that."
If he didn't love her I don't think there would be pain. I think at the same time though there was relief that it was over which you can see from all the smiles he has had since it ended. Like I said, it is a great interview.