Friday, October 02, 2009

Four For Friday

No Four For Friday today. I'm sorry, but I just haven't had the chance to make very many phone calls or see many people this week and don't want to give you anything lame that I have in reserve. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


  1. Get well soon, Enty!

  2. Hope you will feel better soon Enty!

  3. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Chicken soup, Enty - and hot lemonade with bourbon in it. See you on Monday!

  4. Aw, you too Enty! Feel better.

  5. Drink some 7up! Hope you feel better :)

  6. Get Well Soon =]

    Syko's hot lemonade with bourbon in it sounds like a good idea.

  7. get at least 24 HOURS of rest!

  8. I think EVERYONE is sick. Feel better!

  9. Ginger Ale is my secret weapon. Get well Enty.

  10. As they used to sing on Seinfeld, "Get well, get well, we want you to get well!" Now for the cake.

  11. So.....we get 8 next Friday? feel better soon!

  12. Maybe some chicken soup with crumbled Chikin-in-a-Biskits? Hope you feel better up this weekend!

  13. Aw, that's alright enty! Until next week!

  14. Have a restful and renewing weekend, ENTy.

  15. Try some echinacea, Enty and get well soon. xoxo

  16. Hope you are feeling better soon, sending you my very best wishes, that this will pass, quickly for you. You are my fave, you know. Take care of you, friend! Love Connie

  17. Have a great weekend Enty!

  18. Hope you are feeling better soon, sending you my very best wishes, that this will pass, quickly for you. You are my fave, you know. Take care of you, friend! Love Connie

  19. Ginger ale and saltines.

    And a hot toddy to knock your ass out so you can sleep.

  20. feel better--and lots of flat coke & chicken soup!!

  21. Sorry you're ill, Enty. Thank you for today's column, and hope your illness passes VERY quickly.

  22. Enty, take good care of yourself. xxxooo

  23. Take care Enty, and try to enjoy your weekend.

  24. Just feel better soon! We'd rather you feel better then a blind anyday...unless you're telling us idenity of CokeMom. There are people here willing to withhold your daily bacon for whom she really is. ;)
    Be well!

  25. You too and get some rest! :) If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask! I'm actually serious, you can't live THAT far from me (relatively speaking)!

  26. Get well soon enty, rest up and plenty of fluids.

  27. Get well soon. Lots of healing thoughts coming your way. We love you.

  28. Feel better soon :) And then it's back to work first thing Monday, dammit ;)

  29. I have delicious homemade chicken/ginger broth in my freezer, Enty. It'll cure what ails ya. You know the email if you want it sent out express.

    Get better!

  30. Rest and get better!

  31. C'mon, guys, I want to revisit the MV blind! I have been stumped by that one forever!
    I have thought it might be Shania, but I think Ent said something nice about her recently.
    anyone have ideas?

  32. Feel better, Enty. Remember, rest and chicken soup is the cure-all ! xo

  33. Sorry to hear you're sick Enty. Get well soon, and know that you're not suffering alone! Everyone in my immediate family has the flu except our 1 month old baby (thank God)

    Hope you're 100% soon.

  34. So sorry to hear that you're under the weather, Enty. Rest, rest, rest, please!?! Plus lots of orange juice w/some of that pure clear stuff for antioxidants and relaxation. If a sore throat or respiratory symptoms exist, a hot rum toddy or whiskey with some lemon juice and honey can be helpful. We southern Episcopalians live to be sick -- Bloody Marys, mint juleps, Tom Collins, mimosas, Scarlet O'Hara's -- So many restoratives, so many reasons to try and better our health and our friends' well-being. Why not [quietly] party as we consult over the best cure? Please pass the cheese straws and the caramelized bacon! And feel better soon!!!

  35. Sorry to hear you're sick, Enty! Tamiflu if it's flu, ASAP. And if you start experiencing shortness of breath, get your ass to the ER, stat. I'm not being chicken little, but better alive than sorry.
    All that aside, a good chicken soup will do wonders for you.
    And of course, an old bourbon.
    Take care of yourself and don't worry about us.

  36. The concept of having chicken soup when you are sick is just the most american thing for me. We drink hot milk with honey, and when I suggest chicken soup people just stare at me and wonder why on earth they would eat that!

  37. get better soon enty!

  38. Take care of yourself. Sleep in, take meds and relax!!

  39. Hot milk with honey? That sounds vomit-inducing. I think I'll stick with chicken soup.

  40. We're not ones to spam but...

  41. Libby, I still think it's Brit Brit, but I don't think it's even a secret anymore that she only does about half her vocals.

  42. Get well, Enty. Hope you are now on the mend.

  43. Hot milk and honey sounds like a phlegm maker.

    I have found a good food to clear sinus congestion is wasabi, the green spicey sauce used on sushi. That's all it does, clear sinueses, but give it a try.

    We're all sick in my house too. and many people in town have confirmed H1N1 (swine flu). doesn't it seem strange to you guys that it's so early, widespread, and severe? Its not even "flu season" yet.

  44. Sock Puppet, two of my cousins had it this summer. They said it was just like the normal flu for them, so that's good. (I guess.) Isn't the vaccine due out in a few weeks?
