Four For Friday - Canadian Thanksgiving Day Version
Since this weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving, I felt it was only right that all the answers today be people who were born in Canada. It is an odd assortment of blinds, but it is the least I can do for everyone up north on this holiday weekend. Remember that if you have leftovers, I am perfectly willing to accept them.
#1 & #2 - Bad Drug Behavior - This C+/B- movie actor (Canadian) has been in his share of big movies and is currently filming what is expected to be huge by the studios but I'm not sure the public will agree. Anyway, our actor has already caused drama on the set by doing coke almost constantly and having production assistants deliver strippers to his trailer. Oh, our actor is being joined in all of this with the parent of his C list movie actress co-star. (Not Canadian)
# 3 - Kindness - This C list movie and television actress has a movie world record all to herself. She is also married to an Oscar nominee/winner writer. Anyway, our actress, who has children was at her children's doctor when she started talking to a woman who had three kids of her own, one of which had bone cancer. The woman didn't have insurance and was having a tough time paying the doctor bills. Long story short. Our actress hosted a fundraiser with her husband and raised $100,000 to pay for all the medical bills for the child and to give the family a much needed vacation.
#4 - Probably the most well known of the Canadians in the blinds today. This is an actress who is B list because of a very hit show she was on. She is currently filming another show where she and her much older co-star are having a fling. No big deal in Hollywood although it will probably wreck the long term marriage of her co-star.