Elizabeth Edwards Going To File For Divorce - Maybe
The National Enquirer says that Elizabeth Edwards is about to file for divorce from John Edwards. Well, actually they said that Elizabeth Edwards is planning on filing for divorce. I am planning on winning the lottery but it hasn't happened yet. If it does though I will be on here all day. The Enquirer says that previously Elizabeth has said she would never file for divorce but that the revelations in the upcoming book by John's former assistant have made her change her mind.
I think she should have divorced him a long, long time ago. There is a special place in hell for people who cheat on their wives while their wives are fighting a life threatening cancer.
"Elizabeth had always sworn she wouldn't divorce John. But every person has a breaking point, and Elizabeth's friends believe she's reached hers. Elizabeth made it clear to John that she will take him for everything he's got. She will divorce him and claim their $53 million fortune. Elizabeth knows every dirty little secret in her husband's political past. She's been his confidant for years, and she's always kept quiet. But now she's prepared to reveal all his secrets in open court."
I don't know if this is true or not but it would be one sensational divorce.