Friday, October 16, 2009

Dave Mustaine Is An Idiot

Wow, I get to write a Megadeath post. I can't believe it. This is a first. Dave Mustaine gave an interview to a Norwegian magazine called Lydverket. Have I told everyone how much I love Norwegians? They have given me some great stuff on Scientology. Anyway, in the interview Dave talked about his past in Metallica and said that his relationship with James Hetfield ended when James kicked Dave's dog. That would piss me off too. No problems so far with what Dave said.

My problem with Dave is what he said after the interview about the magazine and the reporter.

"These people are scum. Don't listen to their interviews, don't buy their s**t magazine, don't go to their pathetic garbage website. And stand by, because as soon as I see that interviewer again, I am going to put him in a hospital. That is a promise. I will find him too. Too bad the promo person (from the record label) was not there like I asked so this s**t wouldn't happen. Thanks for nothing."

Apparently the publicity people had said in advance to not ask any questions about Metallica. Well a good reporter would ask at least one question anyway just to see what happened. BUT, the reporter says he didn't even ask any questions about Metallica and that Dave brought it up himself. Plus, why in the hell do you need a publicity person to protect you? If the reporter asked a question and you don't want to answer it, just say you don't want to talk about it. How hard is that?

You don't need to threaten violence against the person just because you answered a question or offered a statement and they wrote it. If you don't want something reported. Don't say it. That being said, I still like your band.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Yeap he is an idiot plus an asshole LOL

  2. Enty, honey, you know I love you, but as a heavy metal fan, I feel the nedd to correct you.

    The band's name is Megadeth. Not 'Megadeath'.

    And Dave Mustaine is AWESOME. Yes, he can be a bit of a taint sometimes and especially when it comes to Metallica, but here's the thing; anyone who is into this 'scene', anyone who knows Metallica's history with Dave, knows that it is a sensitive subject. Every journalist is told not to ask about Metallica. Fans who come to meet and greets are told not to bring any Metallica stuff to sign. This guy has been through a lot because of the Metallica situation.

    However, I agree that threatening violence is stupid. I also think he can probably relax a bit about the whole deal now that his own band has come out with a lot more credibility than Metallica. But still, if this reporter knew anything about his subject, he would have known not to talk about Metallica. I don't care who brought it up.

  3. Yeah, he is an ass. Actually I think both Mustaine and Lars from Metallica are CUNextsunday - but Megadeth still delivers great music.
    Funny thing, who wrote the interview was a woman, not a man as Mustaine thought.

  4. Yes. I feel "the nedd". *sigh*

  5. Oh, Lady Metal, don't even get me started on Lars Ulrich! *LOL*

  6. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The interviewer was a woman. Not a "he". If Mustaine couldn't even remember that, how would he know who first said the M-word?

  7. You know, he's an outspoken idiot sometimes, but a really decent guy in person. Everyone knows the history with Metallica and every journalist knows it'll set Dave off. I've met him before and he was so lovely in person. And to my suprise, the only guy who wasn't an asshole in Metallica when I met them was Lars! yup, I just about fell over in shock too, but seriously, those guys (especially James, which breaks my heart) are all assholes apart from Lars. The guys in Megadeth were lovely, chatty and humble (especially Chris). So yeah, Dave can be a prick, but it's probably not without good reason. People bait him constantly.

  8. Anonymous1:40 PM

    The interview is actually on video.
    He doesn't seem to mind talking about it at the time...

  9. Hilarious! Makes him look like even more of a douche. And for the record, I'd just like to say that Hetfield is a fuck for kicking a dog. Cowardly scum.

  10. To intelligent to be an idiot. Jerk, maybe

  11. Dave's been a long time idiot and Martyr, he taped a segment for the Metallica documentary, and after it was done he felt that he looked "weak" because he cried about being thrown out of Metallic for being a drunken jerk. He called Lars to edit him out and Lars said NO you said what you said and you cried, deal with it.

    Mustaine spent years bitching about the documentary and saying that Metallica should die. This is Dave's M.O. he yaps like a poodle and when he can't get something changed, like an interview he's acts like the wronged party. Want to know why he's still playing 3rd rate tours? Nobody can stand him.


  13. I love it when there is a "he said, she said" situation - but then its caught on tape...

  14. ALSO as a journalist I kind of feel its ridic to ask us not to ask specific questions, then answer them, then get upset about it.

  15. Rob Onez5:59 AM

    Dave Mustaine is an idiot !

    Nuff said!
