Cory Feldman's Wife Files For Divorce
I wasn't surprised when I saw that Susie Sprague filed for divorce from Corey Feldman. It has been seven years since they got married and I didn't think it would last more than it took for Susie to get famous. She never really got famous but she did manage to get in Playboy and meet a lot of people she would have not met otherwise. Plus, could you stand being married to Corey Feldman for longer than five minutes, let alone seven years? I think its remarkable it lasted this long.
What did surprise me and made me raise my eyebrows. I do that from time to time. It looks kind of cool except for the time I accidentally shaved one off. Chewing gum. Drunk. Long story. In her divorce petition, Susie asked for sole custody and that Corey only be given visitation. Very interesting. You usually do that only if the other party has really f**ked up because most parents agree that joint custody is the way to go. Sole custody implies the other parent is not capable of making the correct parental decisions and given Corey's past I'm wondering if this could get nasty and lead to allegations of some very bad behavior from Corey. Besides his wearing his Michael Jackson outfits to bed and reminding Susie he's Bad.