Monday, October 26, 2009

Bradley Cooper Dumps Renee Zellweger For Producer

That didn't take very long at all did it? At some point you almost have to feel sorry for Renee Zellweger as she doesn't seem to have much luck with men. Renee seemed to really like Bradley and even went so far as to say this summer that she was ready to focus on her personal life instead of her career. Apparently though that wasn't what Bradley wanted. Bradley told Renee that he just wasn't ready to settle down with one person. What I think he meant was that he wasn't ready to settle down with Renee because he seems pretty happy to settle down with producer Holly Wiersma who found her biggest success as a producer of Bobby. She also kind of looks like Renee a little bit doesn't she? Maybe if you squint your eyes. I guess Bradley likes that look. I'm not sure how you would describe that look but it is completely the opposite of Jennifer Esposito so I guess he is in a blonde phase right now.

I guess Renee could start hanging out with all the MSNBC guys again.


  1. Maybe if you squint your eyes...

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I was wondering how long this relationship/or whatever you want to call it would last.


  4. eep, she's incredibly plain, but maybe it's just a bad zellweger the new aniston when it comes to romance?

  5. Renee doesn't seem to have a type. It's like opens a magazine and just picks a new boyfriend at random.

  6. I don't really get the impression that Bradley is that into women but that is not based on any actual facts.

  7. i think Brad's a classic sex addict/narcissist type. IMO.

    he's not settling down with anyone.
    crazy, i just saw pics of him and renee leaving vancouver a few days ago.

  8. @Pookie, I think she's gorgeous. Just not wearing make-up, a natural look. Which is refreshing in Hollywood.

    Isn't it pretty much given that Bradley Cooper is gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  9. i was always under the impression he was gay....

  10. I agree with figgy- is there anyone left who thinks this man is straight? he is fast becoming the new Jake G.

  11. Yeah, I think RZ got away easy on this one. Even if completely false, the B-Coop abuse goss is too hard to ignore.

  12. In interviews years ago, when he was on Alias, Cooper seemed like a decent guy. Lately, he's just an a$$ and I would be ecstatic if he would just go away. And no, this new g-friend does not look like Zellweger.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Daayum, that is one boring looking chick! She's about as interesting looking as those planks behind her. She's got a man face. Oh and Bradley is a schmuck.

  15. I am also of the belief that he's as gay as the day is long.

    Squinty is less interesting than porridge made with water.

  16. I like RZ and wishes she would just find the right guy and not the ones who have "issues".

  17. Well, Sis brings up a good point--maybe these "issues guys" have been chosen as beards for her, so that at least being "unlucky in love" means she's been trying to have real boy/girl relationships.

    This would not only diffuse her gay ranking but also garners sympathy from the hetero-loving public. It's a win/win situation for her.

    ***Regardless, I for one wish everyone in the world was outed as Bi and get the GD thing over with already, myself included.

  18. ..of course, hubby already knows and it drives him wild...

  19. This so-called female has a heck of an Adam's apple.

  20. Yeah, she "sorta" looks like RZ, if you just drank two cases of 24 back to back, squinted your eyes and stood on your head...

    Personally, I think Renee Z and Jen A should get it over with and just become a couple... Combined, they've pretty much gone through every eligible male beard in Holliweird, non?

  21. I wonder if Jan A. is having the last laugh?

  22. I wonder if Jan A. is having the last laugh?

  23. I am with Cancan. I thought she has a mighty pronounced Adam's apple.

  24. Me three Cancan and ardleigh. I also think she's rather masculine looking - maybe it's the strong jaw.

  25. Manly?! R U kidding? She's beautiful. Sheesh we're a hard bunch to please ;) I think that "Adam's Apple" thing is due to her doing that photo trick of swallowing at the last second to bring in the chin/neck line and make the face appear slimmer. Sorta like 'prune'. Too bad it backfired. I myself won't be doing that anymore.

  26. I don't get the hype over Bradley's looks.

    I thought the same thing as Cheryl said-Renee is weird in that she seems to have no type at all. I know it's not good to be too stubborn about who you'll go out with but it's like Renee literally has no taste of her own and just jumps from one kind of guy to another to another to another. Jim Carrey, then Jack White, then Kenny Chesney, now Bradley Cooper-WTF? I think she goes out with anybody who asks. That's her choice of course, but I do find it unusual.

  27. Renee should find a guy who isn't a celebrity. One Hollywood ego is enough to maintain, there's a good reason why two HW egos rarely are successful.

  28. i dont get the gay vibe from him, just a jerky one.

  29. ditto mother theras, i get 100% asshole straight.

  30. While watching ET last week, the interviewer asked Brad (about his A-Team character) something along the lines of "The guys must really like that?"

    Anyone else catch that?

    If he is gay, I'm sure Perez will out him or Ted C will come up with some ridiculous, hard to undesrtand BI.

  31. Oooooh!! I think you have hit on something, EL!!!!

    I think Renee and Dylan Ratigan would be an adorable couple!!! If I can't have him .. that is! Looks like he cooks, too!!

  32. He's gay, so's this "chick", and Renee is tired of being a beard. The End.

  33. Renee has had more quick partners these past few years than I have had hot dinners. What's her problem!

  34. I think I'm the only one who doesn't get the whole Bradley Cooper thing. He just comes off as an enormous shit waffle. Then again, so does 95% of Hollywood!

  35. LMAO at - Sporky - enormous shit waffle
