Monday, October 05, 2009

Anne Heche The Millionaire Thinks $3700 A Month For Her Kid Is Too Much

Anne Heche made about $1M last year. Now, I know it is not a spectacular amount compared to other celebrities, but compared to the rest of the world it is a lot of money. I think most people who made that much wouldn't really miss $45,000 a year especially if it was support for their child. Anne though feels that she is paying way too much money for the care of her son with Coley Lafoon.

"I pay an extraordinary amount of money to him, and it's unfortunate because it is what I believe keeps him from getting a job."

I would agree that $3700 a month would be an extraordinary amount of money to pay each month if you made say, $5000 a month or something like that, but when you make a $1M and probably spend $3700 a month on clothes or entertainment, I am less likely to take your side. This is not spousal support she is paying but is child support. For her child. Sure, her ex is using the money and if he feels like using it and not working so he can stay at home and take care of their son, then so be it. I really, really dislike when people complain about child support payments. I especially dislike it when the child is 7 years old and can Google his mom's name and sees what she said about him and his father.

How much do you suppose Anne spends on stupid stuff or on her child with her current boyfriend? Do you think she complains about that? I actually think $3700 is a little low for someone who makes as much as she does.


  1. She's batshit crazy and I can't stand her.

  2. Agreed. She needs to quit her bitching. She signed an agreement, so she needs to uphold it. If she didn't like it, then she could've talked to her lawyer about it.

    I wish Duct Tape would hold a fundraiser for her children: for each roll of tape you buy, 10 cents goes to the Anne Heche/ Coley Lafoon's Children Foundation! All proceeds go to giving their children duct tape to put over their parents' big, obnoxious and selfish mouths.

    Please, think of the children!

  3. Ditto @equinox' sentiments.

    $3700/mnth might just barely cover counselors for her son 10 years from now.

  4. i just wanna know if little homer knows about celestia...

  5. She makes about $83,000 a month. I think $3,700 payments is fair.

  6. NOTHING this woman says is going to surprise me. Even now, when she is not insane (you know what i mean, not celestia insane) she still goes on letterman and says such strange things...

  7. If the tables were turned, she wouldn't think it was enough.

  8. she's an effin moron. I agree--she should be paying more, and if the husband wants to stay home, then that's his perogative, but I don't know a lot of people that can live off of 3,700/month.

  9. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I live off WAY less than $3700 a month. So do many many other people.

  10. OK, while I think she is a silly crazy bitch...let's do some math.

    $1000000. 10% off the top for agent
    900000 probably another 10% for managers and publicists
    Federal taxes on that whole $1000000-35% so $350000
    California tax rate 14% so another 140000.

    So we are down to what? $340000? All that before we even get to the child support. I would assume her SAG insurance doesn't cover all her crazy pills. That has to be a lot. Plus she has to pay whoever screwed up her face with that recent plastic surgery.

  11. I'm not a divorce lawyer or anything, but I don't think it matters whether the husband's working or not, that $3700 is for the kid based on what the spouse who makes the more money brings in. I think Anne thought she got some laughs (and sympathy) on David Letterman when she talked about her husband not working and getting checks from her every month. She's an idiot, pretty crazy and I hope that husband's socking away everything he can 'cause there's no way her career's gonna maintain a $1 million a year paycheck. I'm still mad they cast her with Harrison Ford in that godawful movie.

  12. The judge gave custody to her ex for a reason. Enough said.

  13. In GA, the rate for child support is 28% of PRE-TAX income. So $3,700 would be appropriate if she was making around $160K a year. If she was in GA, the amount she would pay would be closer to $20K per month. Surely CA has similar guidelines.

    I get that she resents him not working, but would she really rather a nanny be the primary caregiver for her own child???

    She IS batshit crazy.

  14. What an asshole. She is lucky she isn't the one in his place. Having a child makes it really difficult to go out and work everyday when you have to worry about the cost of childcare, not to mention the cost of living in LA.

    There are couples that one parent stays home because after paying for the childcare, transportation, parking, business clothes, etc. There is about $6,000 left over as extra, plus, a couple of latch key kids pissed off at their parents for not being around.

    If she's bitching about that money she doesn't give a shit about her kid. She just wants to move on with her new family she's created for the time being.

  15. I'm torn on this one.

    I know people whose exes live off child support, and it isn't pleasant. Why should an EX spouse have to pay the bills when someone refuses to work? That money should be for the kids, and it isn't going to the kids if the ex is using it for their expenses. That's a lot of horseshit.

    Don't get the impression that I'm slamming people who stay home and take care of their kids. That's my current job. I've become jaded from reading way too many stories where the kids' needs weren't met, and the ex was living high on the hog. I don't know if that's what Laugh-foon is doing, but it's possible.

    Of course, like Enty mentioned, you have to figure in Anne's ridiculous Hollyweird lifestyle. The people I know are just regular people trying to make a living. If she can blow through $3700 in a day or two, then she can afford $3700 a month for her child.

    Both of them are looney tunes. You really have to feel sorry for the poor little boy, growing up with them for parents. Ick nast.

  16. I would love to live on $3700 a month.

    I wonder why God/Fate gives people children who couldn't care less about them or use them as weapons against each other.

  17. The child is SEVEN YEARS OLD! Please explain why it is necessary for whatshisname to sit at home when Homer is in school full time. If the child in question were in kindergarten or preschool I could understand the logic, but sorry, there's no excuse for this fuckery.

  18. I kinda agree with Sean here. After taxes and other expenses, how much is left over? I haven't done the math, so I really don't know. Plus, if she's smart (I know... it's Anne Heche we're talking about) she's saving for when the tv show ends and she can't find other work as an actress.

  19. I think the name "Lafoon" may also make it tough for him to get a job.

  20. Anonymous7:14 PM

    The ex got half a million out of her in the divorce. And they share parenting.
