Thursday, October 01, 2009

Academy Award Or Money - Mo'Nique Takes Self Entitlement To The Extreme

How many movies are released each year? I don't know either, but I am pretty sure it is a lot. Each of those movies is filled with actors and actresses but just a few get nominated each year for an Academy Award. There is a movie right now which is traveling the festival circuit called Precious. Yes, the one with Mariah Carey and no makeup. But, the big buzz about the movie has been from Mo'Nique. The talk has been that her performance in the movie is so good that she is in line for an Academy Award nomination. The problem is that she is derailing her own chances by being greedy and asking for money. What money? Well she got paid to be in the movie so that isn't the issue. The thing is that Mo'Nique decided she wasn't going to promote this movie at any of the film festivals or do any public appearances on behalf of this movie because no one was going to pay her.

Seriously? You have a chance at getting a nomination for an Academy Award if you can just get this movie seen by enough people and generate just a little more buzz and you are worried about getting paid? You already got paid. I have said it here before that you can be the biggest diva actor or actress on the set and producers won't usually care. The only thing that gets any producer or studio mad at you is if you don't promote the movie. You have to sell that movie or you won't get cast in any others. That means you suck it up and you sit through hundreds of interviews because it is part of your job. Sure, when the movie sucks promoting it also sucks, but you do it because you want the chance to make another movie and get another paycheck. Plus, if you are lucky enough to be in a movie where your performance is going to get you a nomination for an Academy Award you damn well should be out there giving it your all and not worried about the pay. You will get paid. On your next movie.

Mo'Nique is being such a pain that not only are the producers and the studio pissed, her own publicist quit because she couldn't handle Mo'Nique's demands. The same Mo'Nique who has barely registered a blip on our radar prior to this is playing a money game she is going to lose. No one in the industry will vote for her now and no producer or studio will want her on a movie and she is bringing all this on herself simply so she can get more money for something for which she has already been paid to do. See you on The Surreal Life.


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