I feel sorry for Amanda Peet today. According to Page Six her house was burglarized on Wednesday and the burglar made off with Amanda's jewels. It all happened on Wednesday morning when Amanda's assistant walked into Amanda's house and saw a man who was holding Amanda's jewelry box. When he saw the assistant he said, "What's up bitch? I live here." He then ran away.
Now although it must have been horrible for the assistant and I'm sure Amanda hates the fact her house was broken into, I'm sad because Amanda has been on television and in movies and only had $900 worth of jewelry to take. How is it that she only had $900 worth of stuff and all these reality stars out in LA had hundreds of thousands of dollars in jewels worth taking?
maybe her money is invested and/or saved? or the better jewelry is in a safe deposit box?
ReplyDeleteDitto to what QS said. Or maybe she has a wall safe. I bet the reality losers have their jewels piled up on the bedside table next to the remnants of last night's cocaine party or something.
ReplyDeleteProbably not the type to spend too much money on jewelry.
ReplyDeleteIt was only 1 box. And yes, the really good stuff was probably in a safe deposit box.
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ReplyDeleteI'm agreeing with the other commenters that Amanda Peet is probably not the type to leave expensive jewelry lying around all over the place. She probably has a wall safe, safety deposit box, or some other sensible jewelry storage option.
I concur with everyone else...what got lifted was probably the costume stuff you're told to have on hand just in case of such an event.
ReplyDeleteThe real stuff (if she bothers) is securely stashed in a wall safe or safety deposit box - and well away from sticky fingers.
Hope she gets it back - the others who had their stuff ripped off? Don't give a shit.
ReplyDeleteI had all my jewelry stolen at an airport. Since then I don't really care about jewelry. Some women just don't.
ReplyDeleteShe's always struck me as very down to earth but I think unlike all those people with jewelry who will be broke in a few years shes investing wisely for the future - many women just have a few nice pieces and don't feel the need to have the jewelry wear them or keep up with people who squander their money.
ReplyDeleteOur house was broken into several months ago. They didn't touch my jewelry, but took my husband's watch box, which contained a small collection of mid-priced watches. It also contained his deceased mother's wedding band - something we can never replace.
ReplyDeleteI feel for her. Whether it was $9.00 or $9 million, it's still a terrible violation.
What I'd really like to know is why don't these celebs have alarm systems that work. Maybe it's an east coast thing but even a modest cape has an alarm system nowadays.
ReplyDeleteWell I would LOVE to have a lot of jewellry, everytime I think about either a) buying it myself or b) bugging the husband for it I think about how much better my money could be spent on something that will, in the end, just sit in a box in my closet. Like a trip or renos for the house or a mortgage payment or even a charity donation. Not every woman needs (or wants) to be dripping with bling.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else, she may not be a jewelry person. I know I sure as hell am not.
ReplyDeleteMaybe because she's the only one who is being truthful, and is not gouging the system and committing insurance fraud?
ReplyDeleteWhen you look like Amanda Peet, you don't need alot of glitzy crap as a distraction. She's so bloody gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteShe seems like a really sweet person and I agree with the consensus that she probably has her jewelry hidden elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteOn another note: What's up bitch? I live here" is now my new facebook status.
I don't keep any of my good stuff in the jewelry box. I have other locations throughout the house. We were robbed when I was a kid so I've always been very cautious.
ReplyDeleteYou "sad" for her because she only had $900 of jewelry? Normally I like your site a lot, but that is a really obnoxious comment.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think also maybe some of the discrepency between what she reported stolen and what the reality stars reported stolen is due to her not trying to jack up the insurance company.
ReplyDeleteEnty, you must be experiencing a sugar rush -- no doubt from all the candy and baked goods that are in your offic -- but why would you feel sorry for her for only having $900 worth of jewelry in her house???
ReplyDeleteeeep, i love jewelry and would flip out if it were stolen, regardless of the amount. i hope she is able to recuperate her stuff. i like her and it sucks when bad things happen to good people.
ReplyDelete"What's up bitch? I live here."
Good pieces... Pffth! What good pieces?
ReplyDeleteShe's not a gazillionaire with pieces worth tens of thousands of dollars. She does okay, is a smart working actress who's raising a child and doesn't work all the time and saves her $... unlike stupid reality people who spend theirs with no thought toward the future.
I'm one of those don't wear a lot of jewelry ladies. I'd prob. have less money then $900 in jewelry. I'd rather have something less flashy to show for my money.
ReplyDelete@ Judi
ReplyDeleteUm, Amanda Peet is married to a very successful screenwriter and novelist (David Benioff) who also happens to be the son of the New York Benioff-Friedmans. HIs father was over Goldman Sachs for a number of years (when that truly meant something) and is highly connected through his relationship with Pres. Bush.
She does more than "ok", this smart bitch married VERY well.
I am thinking she had it in the bank or maybe a safe in her home walls somewhere. Even as dirt farmer poor as I am .. my grandmothers $7500 engagement ring I inherited does not live in my home .. it is in the bank vault where it is safe and sound. I am thinking Amanda has her stuff secure elsewhere .. for the very reason that she was on TV and in movies.
ReplyDeleteLOL @ Isabel. I liked that line too.
ReplyDelete@Mikey - I wonder the same thing about the security systems with these celebs/"celebs".
When I read "jewelry" in the title of this item, I thought for sure it involved LiLo wearing some borrowed jewelry that had been "stolen".
ReplyDeleteHow presumptuous of me!
I read this somewhere else, I could have sworn that the jewelry box was an antique valued at $900, and that's all the robber got his hands on before her assistant caught him.