Zac Efron Scares Coco Cox Arquette
The headline makes it sound like I am going to talk about some porno where Count Chocula and The Cocoa Puff character are going to get it on with Zac Efron while Alexis Arquette jumps out of a cake yelling surprise. It turns out though that it is very G Rated. Coco, who is 5 has a huge crush on Zac Efron. Her mom is who is older than 5 also has a huge crush on Zac Efron. So, Courteney Cox invited Zac over to her house and was going to have him surprise Coco.
"Coco gets these huge crushes on people. One day we decided to surprise her and invite Zac Efron over. We didn't tell her he was coming - she just loves him. We had a video camera up and we told her to close her eyes, (then said) 'Open them now!' She freaked out. She was traumatized and ran to her room... She was like, 'Oh no! I don't want to go out there!' I was trying to help her and she said, 'Well, it's his face!'"
His face? Oh, it was probably the makeup although you would think she would be used to that with Uncle Alexis running around. Courteney for her part was torn between being a good mom and being a cougar. "I looked at Zac and I was like, he's hot. I was so attracted to him, but I ran into the room (to console Coco)."