The Worst Story Of The Week - Jimmy Kimmel & Sarah Silverman Sex Tape
Really? You really think that Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman would make a sex tape? Actually I could probably see them making one. What I don't see is them leaving the camera at a resort several years ago and now the tape pops up out of nowhere. But, let us say for the sake of argument that Jimmy & Sarah did make a sex tape while on vacation somewhere in the world. Let us also assume they left the entire camera behind with the sex tape on it. Fine. So, if you are the person who is trying to sell the tape and sending screen caps anonymously to a blogger in Canada do you think you might want to include some pictures that actually show a face? Are you telling me there are no pictures that look any better than the ones posted here? Seriously? Did they only use this tape for sex? Were there no home movies on it from their vacation? Something with a face? Honestly the picture in the screencap could be the file clerk down the hall. In fact, I think it is.