Who Said Lindsay Lohan Was In A Psych Ward?
I am pretty sure that at no time yesterday did I see any story that said Lindsay Lohan was in a psych ward. Lindsay however would like the world to know that the story which never existed is in fact not true.
"Hahahaha my publicist just called me & said she heard I was in a psych ward!!!! Hahaha WHAT IS WRONG with people???? I'm working lol,"
I think the whole point of all this was to allow the publicist to let the world know that Lindsay is actually working. Yes, a real job. She even got a free trip to Texas out of it. I knew she was filming a small part in the movie Machete with Robert DeNiro and Jessica Alba, but I guess no one really noticed and so she thought the psych ward story would be a good one to throw out there.
Meanwhile Dina Lohan also chimed in to say she is working on a new website called LohanHouse.com which, despite the name is not in fact a permanent rehab facility for all Lohan family members but is going to be a site dedicated to giving us all the real facts about the Lohan family and also allow those of you with more money than sense an opportunity to buy Lohan inspired clothing. I can't wait until they have a sale on vials. Maybe there will be Santa ones for Christmas.