When Gossip Columnists Annoy Me - A Rant
I sent someone an e-mail a few minutes ago with a link to this Awful Truth column and started to rant and I said to myself why am I just ranting in the e-mail when I could be ranting to all of you.
I post pictures of the cast of Twilight but I don't think I post them anymore than any other celebrity. I also have found the cast to be very nice and they are very accommodating to fans and they should be proud of that. This isn't about them. It is about high and mighty gossip columnists who think they are better than everyone else in the world and who want to lord it over you that they know something you don't.
This isn't about blind items which are not common knowledge. I am talking about open secrets that anyone who spends five minutes in a town can figure out but that columnists feel like you shouldn't know.
Today in the Awful Truth there was this column about Twilight because the whole column is always about Twilight now. It was about a visit to Vancouver and how they went to a restaurant that the Twilight cast frequents. The writers didn't know this when they went in but overheard some of the staff. In exchange for keeping the name of the restaurant quiet, they got "inside scoop." Why won't they share the name of the place? Because they want to hold it over your head and make you jump. They didn't know it before they went in there. You want to see the Twilight cast in Vancouver. Go to Yaletown and walk into Glowbal or any restaurant on that street and you will see one. There. Now you know like the rest of the people in Vancouver.
Do you want to know where they stay when in Vancouver? Another columnist won't tell you and holds it over their readers head every day. You want to know where? Most of the time it is Sutton Place. It isn't a big deal. Just look for the hundreds of people staked out in front of the place everyday with cameras. If no one is in front, then the cast isn't there. This is very true on the weekends when they usually fly to LA or go somewhere for appearances.
You want to see the cast walking the streets everyday? Go to the stores on Robson and follow them as they walk to Yaletown. It isn't hard. Can you imagine any restaurant in Los Angeles not advertising the fact that celebrities come into their place of business? So, when I see quotes like this it pisses me off.
"Lucky for us, these partick gals are Awful Truth fans themselves and knew we weren't sketch reporters. So our end of the bargain was that we wouldn't name the restaurant (to keep our fab friends out of it, and to help give the Eclipse crew as much peace as possible), and they gave us some fun insider Twi-tidbits from the locals' perspective:"
What place doesn't want more business?