Tuesday, September 01, 2009

What Do You Think?

Apparently back in April there was another teacher scandal down in Florida. It wasn't a teacher having sex with her students or anything, but rather a biology teacher who moonlighted on the weekends as a deckhand on a fishing boat. Apparently her job was to dress in a bikini for this job and when the school she taught at saw photos of her in a bikini they fired her. First of all that seems really odd. Lots of teachers have second jobs and lots of teachers wear bikinis. Teachers even get photographed in their bikinis. Shocker I know.

So, Tiffany Shepherd started sending out resumes. She says she sent out 2500 of them but had no job offers at all. She also says she lost custody of her kids and so turned to a new way to make a living. Porn.

"I'm not particularly proud of it. To be honest, I hate it," Shepherd told Page2live.com. "I'm an educated woman, but I never thought it would come to this. No one gets brought up thinking they'll be a floozy."

"It's very professional," says Shepherd on the Web site. "Everyone's tested -- for venereal diseases and AIDS -- and I'm carrying around my little piece of paper that says I'm fine. They love me because I take care of myself and I don't run out to party with my money."

Uh huh. It turns out she is making porn for her old boss the fishing boat captain who, when not running fishing charters owns a porn company. He is the one who convinced Tiffany that she would never get another job teaching and should make some money performing as a porn actress. Tiffany goes by the name Leah Lust.

There are so many things to talk about with this, but number one is I really don't believe her story. I know she got fired by the school district, but that doesn't explain why she lost custody of her kids. Her husband knew about the fishing job. You don't lose your kids because you were working part-time in a bikini. I also find it hard to believe that 2500 resumes from someone who had been teaching for 7 years didn't find one job offer.

I will say that if your goal is to get your kids back, becoming a porn actress is probably not the best way to go about it. Her first movie is called, "My First Sex Teacher." Hey, looks she found a teaching job after all. So, what do you think? Telling the truth? Should she have found a different job?


  1. Sound fishy (Ha!). Acutally, I think the 1st part is true. Skeptical about the reasons for the 2nd part.

  2. In this economy, I can believe she had no job offers, even if she exaggerated the number of resumes she's sent.

    There has to be more to the story about losing custody of her kids. Was it strictly financial? Did she treat them badly? Was it neglect? It just seems like we don't have the whole story.

    If she ever wants to be taken seriously again, publicizing her porn star status isn't exactly going to help her.

  3. My guess is she really enjoys it, but doesn't want to admit it.......

  4. Was it a private school? They have a lot of private religious schools here and I can see them firing her just for moonlighting as a bikini girl.

  5. If her goal is regaining even partial custody of her children then no, porn is not a good career choice for her.
    IN terms of the lack of jobs... I really can't guess as to how bad it is where SHE lives, but I know that in my province (Canadian) we are at a 62% unemployment rate which could get to 70% in the next month or so. When things are that bad one can never really know how hard finding work could be.
    A lot of places have morality clauses and moonlighting as a bikini deckhand could make her less desirable than say, and older woman with an impeccable record.

  6. *an not and
    The typonese is coming fast and furious with me today I think.

  7. Why do some people equate wearing a bikini with promoting lust and hedonism?

    Anyway, it's nearly impossible for a mom to lose custody in this country, so yeah, there's much more to this story than simply wearing a bikini.

  8. Uh, WBotW - where in Canada do you live? I think I'd check my math if I were you, 'cuz the web site I just checked shows an unemployment rate of 8.6% for the entire country.

    I live in a county in Indiana with the highest unemployment rate in the U.S., at 18%. I am finding it VERY hard to believe that your entire province is at 62%.

    Sorry to go OT, but sheesh.

  9. Lioness70, in rural southern baptist Florida?

  10. Sorry, but moonlighting as a "bikini girl" won't lose you the kids. Possibly the job, but not the kids.
    Like the rest of ya'll I suspect there's more to this than meets the eye, and I'm willing to bet that this was a cleverly developed publicity stunt to get her "acting" career off to a big start.

  11. A fishing boat captain who also makes porn movies who needs a bikini-clad woman on the boat when he charters it? THAT's what's fishy. Sounds to me like her activities included more than just wearing a bikini, sitting on the back of the boat and smiling at the camera.

  12. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Yes - this is crazy and I agree with all of your assumptions.

    I am sure that whatever it was that caused her to lose her children, is the same thing that is keeping her from getting a teaching job and I am also sure that that cause is not known by the public.

    I live in Oregon (2nd highest unemployment rate until this month when we dropped to I think 5th) and I have many friends who are teacher who voluntarily quit their jobs this summer and found new ones immediately. In fact I know no out of work teachers.

    One friend quit his teaching job (public HS) and looked for a new teaching position near his new house and had 3 offers in about a week's time and I don't think he even sent out 25 resumes.

    I'll bet that even now that she has a history in porn, she could get a teaching job if she wanted to. There is something else to this story...like maybe she is a registered sex offender or has been convicted for child abuse?

  13. I am surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre she believes her own story. Most liars do. But frankly, I seriously doubt that she started making the porn AFTER she was fired and lost her children.

  14. She can't be that skanky (yet), she used the word "floozy".

  15. What do I think? I think she's got some huge knockers!

    No seriously, I think if she was a skank the whole time and got our collective "sympathy vote" when this first happened, it would be (1) another example of us being hoodwinked by media bias, and (2) yet more proof there are always at least THREE sides to every story.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. i say that there is more to her bikini girl position than we think. lol.

  18. Anonymous11:38 AM

    First of all, great rack.

    I agree with mazemerizing about a fishing boat needing a bikini girl and also running a porn business. As well, I agree with Lioness70 that women rarely lose custody. So yeah, the whole thing sounds like a lie.

    And what, there's no Walmart or Starbucks where she lives? There's always something to fall back on before porn.

  19. Babs, are you in Elkhart? I lived there for 4 years, so I know how bad it is. Still can't find a job after 16 months! It's bad in the entire state here.

    So, from my vantage point, at least she HAS jobs! Blow jobs, but hey....apparently it pays the bills, and the rags to interview her.

  20. ya sorry, i just saw the same thing Babs did on the nexs last night. unless thats a typo, there are no provinces at 62% unemployment.
    BC is only at 6.7.
    the EMployment rate is 62% currently, maybe thats what you meant.

  21. there's more to this story than meets the eye. teehee, nothing wrong w/ working in a bikini...but the losing custody thing...there's got to be something else to that. unbelievable how big the porn industry is in FL tho...lots of it shot offshore...sick, but true.

  22. Sounds to me like the REAL reason she lost her teaching job is the district found out she was moonlighting for a porn director. Doesn't matter if at that point she truly was "just" a bikini-clad deckhand - if parents caught wind of the people with whom she was associated they would freak out.

  23. In Florida all you need to be a teacher is a high school diploma (sad but true) and they are desperate for teachers, so there definitely is more to this story than bikini pictures.

  24. I'm thinking she lost her job for being more then handing decks. I think what she was handing sounds like decks and is only a vowel different...

  25. I'm from Canada too, (although I live in Australia now) but I'm 100% sure that NO province has a 62% unemployment rate. In fact, there are only 3 countries in the world with unemployment rates over 50% and those are Libera, Kiribati and Zimbabwe. Really don't think Canada is getting anywhere near those.

    That being said, yes it's difficult to find a job in these times but not impossible, and if you're willing to do porn you should have been willing to consider doing other work besides teaching as well like office temping or something and I'm pretty sure she could have done something else. Doing porn is probably the WORST way to go about getting her kids back. And her whole story just sounds very bizarre. One of my best friends is a teacher and she's got pics of herself all over her facebook page in bikinis and clubbing clothes that are pretty close to that. What's wrong with wearing a bikini? Considering the guy who ran the boat also runs the porn company, I'm thinking she was doing a little more than wearing a bikini on that boat.

  26. Okay I know I should drop this but... the highest unemployment rate in Canada at the moment is Newfoundland and Labrador at 15.1%. That is pretty high. But it's not anywhere near 62.

  27. Port St Lucie's in the southern part of the state. Not as far south as Miami & Ft Laud. Still, in the Miami orbit. Weed, coke, or prescription drugs can probably be found on more boats than not down there.

    A chartered boat full of older, married rich guys. ("Course we went fishing honey, see, fish!" Airtight alibi. The wife would never think he's hooking fish and hooking up at the same time.)

    In a bikini, she's guaranteed to get propositioned constantly. Even if she started out with good intentions, her will power would get worn down pretty quickly, especially after some power tokes and a pitcher of LIT's.

    Not to mention the fact that a few fifty dollar blow jobs, and she's doubled her teacher's salary in a single weekend.

    This boat captain sure has the right idea. Bet his charters sell out every weekend.

  28. She lost custody of 2 of her 3 children. It doesn't say when she lost custody or that she is trying to regain in the article linked to. So it's kind of hard to extrapolate many facts from this information.

    I know Enty likes to gives working girls a hard time, but a job is a job--and a job is better than no job if you are trying to regain custody of kids. I also have to say that it is quite common for custody to be awarded to fathers after a divorce--it is not as we think stereotypically, that the kids go to mom unless there is something really wrong. Judges have been awarding more and more custodies to fathers as the years go on.

  29. Let's see, you work for someone in the porn industry at a 2nd job on a fishing boat in a bikini. If really that was all the school district fired her for, why couldn't she sue them for discrimination? No woman should be fired for wearing a bikini. That's dumb. Which leads me to think she's full of it and her side job involved something tawdry.

  30. Ror - yes, Elkhart county, although we now live in Granger. Hubby was Engineering Manager for a company that just went down the toilet, so we are hoping for the best for him. I am employed in South Bend at a university that shall remain nameless (Go IRISH!), and have a very secure job, thankfully.

    I can understand why you left Elkhart - not a very welcoming place.

  31. Does anyone else not have a problem that her porn name is "Leah" ? Maybe I'm biased... but she changed from "Tiffany" to "Leah."
    I hate this bitch.

  32. Quoting from a news article in 2008, (http://tinyurl.com/56bt6f)

    "Shepherd was told about a week ago that she would not be asked to return to Port St. Lucie High, nor would she finish the school year.

    She believes the district objected to her new job as a bikini mate - a job that requires her to wear a bikini, act as a mate on fishing tours and fetch drinks and sandwiches for the men on board - but school officials say Shepherd simply didn't show up for work.

    Shepherd received two written reprimands for absences and missed more than 30 days this year, said Susan Ranew, the district's assistant superintendent of human resources.

    Evaluations in her personnel file give her average to above-average marks, praising her as "pleasant to work with" and "intelligent."

    The file also shows that she had exhausted her sick leave by Sept. 20 and missed 20 days of work by January. Those absences earned her stern letters and a directive to provide documentation for any missed days.

  33. Susan- Good digging & thanks!

    So we all agree she's beyond 'floozy' & is just your basic Ho?
