Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What A Coincidence - Lindsay Knew Her Burglar - Shocker

I have three or four questions about the Lindsay Lohan burglary. OK, maybe more than that. Feel free to add any that you would like Lindsay or Dina to answer for you. I want to list them here so I don't forget. I'm old and drink too much. Another reason I am doing this is because the guy who was arrested, Nick Prugo is a friend of Lindsay's. OK, well friend might be too string of a word. They hung out on the set of her movie Labor Pains on at least ten different occasions which is more than Sam was there.

If you see Dina, Lindsay, Ali or Michael please ask them any of the following questions.

1. Did Lindsay ever find the jewels she was supposed to return to Louis XIV?
2. Do you have any idea who the girl in the burglary video is who looks remarkably like Lindsay?
3. Do you prefer crack or powdered cocaine?
4. How well do you know Audrina Patridge?
5. Why did Nick hang out on the set with you so much?
6. Do you owe Nick money?
7. Has Dina ever had sex with Nick?
8. How many fishnet shirts does Michael own?
9. Does Ali share Lindsay's love of stealing?
10. Who is the nicest Ronson sibling?
11. Did Elle UK ever get back their jewels or find out who stole them?
12. Has anyone in the family other than Michael met Jon Gosselin?
13. Where is Lindsay going to go to rehab this time?
14. Was Sam having sex with Audrina and so the burglary happened to get back at her?
15. Specifically to Dina - If Lindsay is arrested is God still good?


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