Monday, September 28, 2009

Top 100 Viral Videos Of All-Time - In Four Minutes

Totally worth your time. It is worth it just to pay homage to whatever person had the hours upon hours to sit there and mash it all together.


  1. Can't wait to send this to a friend! His friend is the one that videoed himself slapping his sister in front of the webcam - I think it's called "Eh Marina!" or something.

  2. Can't wait to watch this. The one in the front with Charlie and his brother kills me every time I see it.

  3. My favourite laughing baby ever, the one with the blue bib. Awesome.

    I had forgotten about "The Evolution of Dance". I have to go watch the whole thing now.

  4. There's an Evolution of Dance 2's got the Hokey Pokey in it. I suggested that (along with about a million others, I'm sure! lol).

    Is there a list somewhere of what these are? I'd love to see the originals!

  5. That was cool, but the couple snippets with the little tykes getting kicked made me cringe. Overall it was pretty good, I must say.

  6. I agree. The violent ones or some of the more painful-looking falls made me cringe. But this was a good video compilation.

  7. I was Googling for this same video and found it on either the Digg or Huffington Post website. One of the commenters posted a link called "99 THINGS YOU SHOULD HAVE ALREADY EXPERIENCED ON THE INTERNET UNLESS YOU'RE A LOSER OR OLD OR SOMETHING". I just wasted an hour watching these, but funny stuff.

  8. Anonymous9:31 PM

    that was very entertaining, thanks for posting it, Ent

  9. I love it too! I think Dramatic Prarie Dog is Golden to me. I also love that cat video of it moving positions to attack. It reminds me of Sylvester and the Dog on Bugs Bunny. He does the same thing to the dog!

  10. Great stuff. I would have added Groovy Dancing Girl and not because I have a monster crush on her.

  11. The Evolution of Dance 2? I am going to see that right now.

  12. I think I must spend wayyy too much time at the computer because I remember seeing most of those in the entirety when they were at their most "contagious".

  13. Harriet - I watch that video of the laughing baby in the blue bib whenever I am in a bad mood. Kills me every time..

    Oh, and my kids' school principal did the "Evolution of Dance" routine for their talent show two years ago. Big hit.

  14. I love the dreaming dog! But I do wish the humans would stop the inbreeding. Seriously.
