Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This was going to be Four For Friday last week.

This C list television actress who has been in very few movies is set to be a lead in a sure fire television hit set to air very, very soon. She was overheard at a party answering the following question. So, is this married C list actress (A list name recognition) with the celebrity husband going to be killed off anytime soon. The reply. "I sure hope so and I know the rest of the cast hopes so as well."

#1 - C list actress
#2 - Married C list actress
#3 - Celebrity husband
#4 - Television show.


  1. #1 Katie Cassidy
    #2 Asslee
    #3 Wentz
    #4 Melrose Place

  2. And how did I not know (or forgot) that Connor Cruise is on MP?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Drea DeMatteo (sp?)
    2. Eva Longoria
    3. Tony Parker (celebrity in the b-ball world)
    4. Desperate Housewives (I know it's not new, but it could "hit" again)

  5. I like Mooshki's guess the best.

  6. Here's the wind up and the pitch.. Thundering crack of the bat as Mooshki knocks out it of the park again. The home crowd is going wild, the sky is the limit for this future Hall of Famer my friends.

  7. Mooshki took the words right out of my mouth (or fingers).

  8. yes...I agree with Mooshki 100%...celebrity husband is what did it for me!

  9. Thinking it's not Ashley since Melrose is her first acting gig (right?). Also not sure Melrose will be a sure fire hit.

    #1 No Idea
    #2 Heeeiiiigl
    #3 Kelly
    #4 GAnatomy even though it is not new.

  10. Drea was my first thought until I re-read the blind that the show is a sure hit so IMO it can't be DH.

  11. And now I believe Heigl is the new Ben Affleck and Piven, as she is now the answer to the bulk of blinds involving C list actresses.

  12. Asslee was on 7th Heaven for a while, and did a movie called Undiscovered. She's appeared in a few other shows. Giving her a C is very generous.

    Katharine Hagle was revealed as a B list actress in that blind about the movie only making $30. I mean, Enty didn't reveal it, but it's very obvious it was her.

  13. Surefire seems to mean new show that will hit. Mooshki sounds right to me. And I doubt anyone really thinks Longoria will ever get killed off DH. (I also don't see Ashlee sticking, or being kept, around that show for long.)

  14. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "in a sure fire television hit set to air very, very soon."

    It's obviously going to be a new show so it's not Desperate Housewives nor Grey's Anatomy. And besides, who can name Heigl's husband?

  15. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I've got two alternative options:
    1) Lindsay Price (lipstick jungle chick)
    2) Rebecca Romijn
    3) Jerry O'Connell
    4) Eastwick

  16. I don't get it--how are they talking about who's going to be killed off a show that hasn't even aired yet?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Have you guys seen the promos for the show? Even in a couple of seconds, Asslee's horrible acting is clearly apparent. Instead of killing her off, they could just replace her with a stick of wood.

  19. Mooshki nailed it.

  20. @figgy - took me a couple of reads to get it. I think this is it:
    "This C list television actress" is in one show and is due to be in another (the sure fire hit.) She was overheard answering a question about another C list actress, the "married C list actress (A list name recognition) with the celebrity husband".
    Haven't bothered to watch Melrose Place but I'd throw my vote in with Mooshki.

  21. @figgy - Forgot to finish speculating - presumably the other C list actress, the married one, co-stars with Ms. BigMouth C-lister in her current show.

  22. I thought Ashlee too since Melrose premieres tonight. LOL

  23. What? Melrose Place premieres tonight? I didn't miss it? I was thinking about 90210? So...they are talking about killing off someone on a show that hasn't even aired yet!
    (Sorry for the misdirected speculation, figgy!)

  24. I really don't think this is Melrose Place as many critics are already calling for its cancellation and its being called a terrible, terrible show. That hardly meets this blinds sure fire television hit show requirement.

  25. The only upcoming show I can think of that seems AMAZING is the one with Joel McHale and Chevy Chase...

  26. Had to look up the name, the show is called Community. Perhaps it is some other NBC show...inter office gossip

  27. Littleoleme, since when did quality have anything to do with whether a show is a success? ;)

  28. Just to throw another one out there:
    #1 Genevieve Cortese
    #2 Gabrielle Union
    #3 Chris Howard
    #4 FlashForward

    But I prefer Mooshki's guess, just because I like it when other people hate Asslee.

  29. love moosh & DN's guesses...damn, you guys are GOOD.

  30. Definitely Mooshki's got it.

    I think Melrose is sure to be a hit because, like 90210, everyone will watch at first to see if it measures up to the old Melrose and to catch the old Melrose actors in their bit parts.

    They would be talking about killing people off already because obviously they've already filmed many of the episodes and would have tested them on a sample audience and seen that everyone hates Asslee. Just because the episodes haven't aired yet doesn't mean they haven't already figured out that her "stunt casting" will run its course very quickly.

  31. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I made it through exactly 6 minutes of the new, revamped Melrose Place. Can the producers not find attractive people who can act? Then again, actors can only do so much with craptastic material.

  32. I agree with Mooshki. I wasn't sure who #1 was, but it HAS to be ashlee for #2, pete being the husband, with the show being melrose place.

  33. I think a surefire hit would be a show like "Glee". But, there seems to be no one with any name recognition but Jane Lynch, who isn't even the star lead (but a fine supporting character!)

    Other than that, I got nuttin'. I'm hopping on the bandwagon and agreeing with Mooshki's answer.

  34. Anonymous11:34 PM

    I agree with Mooshki's guess.

    Janele, I live in Aus, and I was surprised that we are getting Glee around about the same time as you guys are. It looks awesome! Especially since most of the time the shows that bomb in the States get brought here anyway (Eli Stone is a good example).

  35. Mooshki - the show is shit and it's already being planned to be pulled.

  36. Im with Mooshki here. Just like everyone (almost) else.

  37. I instantly through Eastwick. What's funny is that I pitched that to my agent in April before I knew it was coming out. He ignored me. Now he is pushing....ugh.

  38. I instantly through Eastwick. What's funny is that I pitched that to my agent in April before I knew it was coming out. He ignored me. Now he is pushing....ugh.

  39. "Though the show held its lead-in, this is a pretty typical number for the CW for a high-profile premiere that the network hoped would draw a larger sample like "90210" did last year."

    They expected it to be bigger that it was, but it didn't bomb either.

    I liked it, except for the Asslee. Man, is she crappy.

  40. I agree Mooshki; with the exception of whatsherface it was reasonably entertaining.

  41. Well done, Mooshki! I love me some Aslee hating, too.
    I think the show will make it, based on 90210 picking up an audience. Also, in what other new show will cast members likely to be killed off? Only Melrose.

  42. I believe "fire" is a hint to the fire/explosion on the previous version of MP...

  43. I was thinking Ashlee was right but after Enty's recent post I am on the Eastwick wagon. I can see Rebecca being a pain.

  44. When was Melrose Place ever going to be a surefire hit?!

    I really, really don't think it's MP or Ashlee or anything of that ilk. Regardless of anything else, I don't think 'actress' when I think of Ashlee.

    What about another angle? Is the first C list actress joining the cast of a hit TV show maybe?

  45. Just to throw out other names...

    1. ??
    2. Courtney Cox
    3. Cougar Town
    4. David Arquette

    I know Courtney's probably higher than C despite doing nothing successful since Friends. (The classifications confuse me.)

    Also, I don't know anything about Cougar Town and if it's meant to be good or not.

    I reckon Mooshki's probably right - I just wanted to throw out names for variety.
