Monday, September 14, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Easy & Skeezy

I like to call this one Easy & Skeezy. It doesn't really have anything to do with either of the people involved as a nickname. It just means that it is fairly easy to solve and one of the participants is particularly skeezy. When I refer to someone as an A list reality star, it just means they are on the top of the reality show food chain.

So, over the weekend, this married A list male reality star would not stop hitting on this younger A list female reality star. He kept following her around like a puppy, and saying things like, "we should really work together." Yes, he said that. When they were first introduced she was very polite, but then he started getting close and doing the touching thing. The rest of the night was the puppy dog thing and trying to impress her. She wasn't. It didn't stop him from telling everyone at the party though how she was into him.


  1. once again: all of them :-)

  2. That goofball from Survivor?

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Skeezy, married, male reality star?

    I'll take Spencer Pratt for a lock.

  4. Skeezy married star? Tori Spelling's husband

  5. jon gosselin and...

  6. David Hasselhoff and Susan Boyle

  7. Mr. Spelling for the win, he's in Random photos today that makes him easy and skeezy.

  8. I am "Team Quintessential Southerner" .. the only question is who is the girl??

  9. What about Jon Gosselin and Kim Kardashian?

  10. I think Ms. Cam might be onto something.

  11. I agree-- it has to be Gosselin and some other reality star. Ms. Cam's of Kim Kardashian seems to be spot on.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. "puppy dog thing" - ew. I can't imagine Jon Gosselin being a puppy dog. He's more of a slobbering, mange mutt.

    PS that was a good one, cdanluva!

  14. @cdanluva, FTW, LOL, that's a visual I'll never get out of my head now!

  15. kimmy k and jon. good guesses.

    kimmy k definitely does not want any part of john gosselin and his kids. he's in for a rude awakening. lol.

  16. Jon Gosselin, answering the question "How nasty do you have to be for Kim Kardassian to be too good for you?"

  17. Does Jonny la Douche still count as married, though? (Says "married" in the BV.)

    On a side note, I saw a bunch of Ed Hardy at TJ Maxx today. Laughed.

  18. Filed for divorce. It takes months to years to get the divorce finalized.

  19. Spencer Pratt and Kathy Griffin

  20. there is a store in the mall close to where I work that sells tonnes of ed hardy crap. It also smells like garbage everytime I walk by there.... cooincidence? I don't think so....

    I'm on the Jon G and Kim K train....

  21. Is Spence Pratt married? How did I miss that? I must have been under my rock in Rockville.

  22. You must've really been under a rock - they got married like 4 times, LOL.

  23. 4 times? What, they were afraid they wouldn't get enough presents?

  24. Anonymous3:46 PM

    lol Diane P, I was at Ross this past weekend and saw some Ed Hardy high ball glasses. Laughed my ass off.

  25. is jon really a list? what qualifies as a list when talking about reality stars?

  26. For those two, there is no such thing as "enough." But I think they wanted publicity even more than presents. I can't decide if I'm happy or sad that the Gosselins bumped Speidi off the radar. At least Jon's face is a tiny bit less horrifying than Spencer's.

  27. On the Q.S. bandwagon: jon gosselin

  28. Has anyone heard that Patrick Swayze died?? My friend just called and said she heard that .. but I am finding nothing as of yet.

  29. yes he has.

  30. I just read that Wil!

  31. def Jon G for skeazy and like the Kim K guess, Ms. Cam. Good job!

  32. Very sad .. I was hoping he would make it. : /

  33. I think you nailed it, Q. S., good thinking!

  34. George Takei ... oh wait, I meant Jon G. -
    As for the other party, anyone other than Kate.

  35. Were Kim and JG at the same party this past weekend?

  36. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Jon G and... Kim K?! Ewww! If it's true I don't blame Kate one bit for kicking his butt out. But are Jon and Kate divorced yet? You'd think if it was referring to Jon the wording would be "soon-to-be-divorced" rather than "married" reality TV star. I think Tori Spelling's husband Dean is a better guess.
