Friday, September 18, 2009

Suzanne Somers Says Patrick Swayze Was Killed By Chemo

It doesn't take long for someone to come out of the woodwork and look a little kooky after a celebrity death. The problem is that when it is another celebrity then other people believe what they say and then have questions about what they are doing to themselves and might stop based on the ramblings of an infomercial queen.

Suzanne Somers was in Toronto for the film festival and she was asked about Patrick Swayze's death.

"They took a beautiful man and put poison in his body. Why couldn't they have built him up nutritionally and gotten rid of the toxins? . . . I hate to be this controversial . . . but I have to speak out."

She also has to speak out because she has a book about cancer coming out next month and so a little controversy will probably help those book sales. Suzanne is a cancer survivor so she can definitely talk about her own cancer fight and I also know that everyone can make their own decision about what they want to do to fight the cancer in their body. I don;t even know what she is talking about here. Chemo is a poison and the idea is that it kills the cancer before it kills you. I don't understand what she means about getting rid of toxins. Does she think people should do a GOOP cleanse if they get cancer? Patrick had one of the most aggressive types of cancer. To me what Suzanne is advocating is that he should not have done any chemo which just seems wrong. Just this week I found out that one of my friends is cancer free after being diagnosed last year with cervical cancer. She lost all her hair and suffered through chemo but her cancer is gone and hopefully she will be healthy enough to spend the next fifty years with her husband and children. I don't think I would be sitting here saying the same thing if she had decided to forego chemo and follow Suzanne's advice.


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