Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stay Classy Khloe

It is always a good day when you can throw in an Anchorman quote. Getting to throw in the best one just makes it all the better. Let's talk about Khloe and her wedding for a couple of minutes. Apparently there must be a huge demand for any and all things Khloe. She sold the pictures to her upcoming wedding for about $300K. That is probably more money than she would have earned in the next ten years if Kim hadn't decided to have sex with Ray-J and tape it.

A source close to the Kardashian's said the wedding is going to be really classy. My experience is that when someone says something is going to be classy you end up having a bride wearing a backless mini dress for her bridal gown and a reception where everyone wears matching sweat suits that say either Pimps or Maids.

Oh, E! has an interview with Lamar Odom's ex. She said she was shocked to hear about the wedding and thought it was a joke when someone texted her about it. She was engaged to Lamar for 8 years and together with him for 12 but he never wanted to actually get married. The couple broke up shortly after Lamar's youngest child died of SIDS.

Khloe and Lamar went out last night (see picture above). Umm, is it just me or is that a leather dress Khloe is wearing? Why yes it is. So much for that entire PETA ad and campaign where she said she couldn't stand people who wore leather and ate meat. Lucky for her she didn;t say anything negative about huge diamond rings because her ring is 9 carats.

Khloe officially announced on her website what everyone else has known about for days. As you know I love comments on those sites. This was one of my favorites.

COngrats! YOu're gOnna lOok even mOre beautiful as a bride than yOu already dO! take lOts of pix! Wish yOu bOth nOthing but happiness! xoxo.

Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian continues to cry herself to sleep each night.


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