Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Spice Girls Want More Of Your Money

Not content with the bazillion dollars they made back in 2007, The Spice Girls are talking about reuniting once again. From reading between the lines it sounds like they would get back together next summer for a series of stadium shows which would mean less cities but the same number of people and massive amounts of money.

Last week I posted a picture of 4 of the 5 Spice Girls coming out of a restaurant after having dinner together. Today Geri Halliwell was on a UK program called This Morning and had this to say about a reunion. "We are friends first and foremost. Obviously a career and music evolved through that friendship I think. Whatever happens afterwards is a bonus. We always talk about creative plans. Right - now, I'll be honest: We are gathering information about a possibility, but I don't like to... when you are evolving a plan, you don't want to share it with the world."

To me that sounds like a reunion. On her Twitter page, Mel B said this about her night out with the other members of the group. "Spice girls, stadiums?????????? Had dinner with the amazing melc emma and geri I love them so much."

If you are going to tour stadiums you generally want to do that in warmer weather although I would admit that seeing The Spice Girls performing at Soldier Field in Chicago in January would probably be entertaining.

Last time they reunited they played 47 shows. If you assume the average crowd was 20,000 which is probably high then they would have performed before almost 1 million people. 47 shows is a lot of work compared to playing 10-15 stadium shows and getting the same number of people and the same amount of money.


  1. stadiums? oh someone needs a reality chk.

  2. "a career and music evolved through that friendship I think. "

    Nnnno. The band was put together through newspaper classifieds. Totally a marketing creation. They may have become friends afterwards, but they were not friends first.

  3. Love the subtle dig at Posh.

  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Never care for them at all.

  5. I was a huge Spice Girls fan, but after they aborted the reunion tour, well, I got pissed. A lot of fans in Latin America were waiting for them and they just didn't care. But now the money is gone and they want to tour again? Please...

  6. I was never a fan of theirs either, but honestly - shouldn't they be moving on to greener pastures, and give this a break already? Haven't the Spice Girls long since stopped producing hits, and even receiving Top 40 radio airplay?

    I should probably STFU, since I don't listen to them, and I'm not a fan, and I wouldn't pay a cent to go see them. But - aren't they over? Washed up? Done? It's not like they're Fleetwood Mac. Your time is over, ladies!

  7. This 'trend' for reunion tours really must stop. It's hard to develop an appreciation for what they accomplished when they whore themselves out like that (not just the Spice Girls...helloooo, Police, I'm talking to you here....

  8. I wonder if Posh would participate.
