Thursday, September 03, 2009

Shocker!! Tim Gunn Thinks Jon Gosselin Has No Fashion Sense

I love Tim Gunn. I'm not going to lie. If I couldn't have a Tom Ford clone to tell me how to dress every morning I would love to have Tim Gunn putting that finger on his cheek and saying, "I don't think so." Not of course that it would do any good. All of my clothes no matter how good they might look on a hangar look like crap the second I put them on. Fat men and suits just don't work well.

Anyway, Tim was interviewed by US Weekly and asked about Jon and Kate's fashion sense. He actually said that Kate's hair wasn't that bad. He didn't love it, but said if she was happy with it then he was happy.

But, when it came to Jon he said,"It is what I refer to as the slobification of America. If you want to dress to feel as though you never got out of bed, then don't get out of bed."

Hey, that sounds just like me. Not the Ed Hardy crap, but I tend to wear everything too big which is what Jon does. I think it makes me look slimmer. Well, at least in my mind. When I wear things too tight you tend to be able to count the fat rolls and that's not fun, although for little children learning to count it can be quite instructional.

As for who Tim Gunn thinks is the best fashion wise. Angelina Jolie and Helen Mirren. He loves Helen Mirren. "Whether she is having lunch in Los Angeles or she's on the red carpet or she's going shopping, she knows who she is. She knows how to present herself to the world and she knows how to look sophisticated and polished." Preach it Brother Tim.


  1. Wearing stuff that is too big for you is never flattering. It doesn't have to be skin tight, but it should fit you properly. Clothes too baggy look sloppy. No matter how many rolls you have hiding under your suit, dear Enty, be sure to dress your body well!

    Tim Gunn is awesome.

  2. That picture is just gross.

  3. I was at TJ Maxx this past weekend. Racks and racks of Ed Hardy. Hopefully it's on its way out. SOON.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Is he sporting a muffin top??


  6. The hair that previously resided on his pate has migrated down to the goody trail (which I usually love...but here, no WAY!)


  7. Enty, dude, if your clothes fit on a 'hangar', then you're fatter than I thought! LMAO!!!!!!!

    Just teasing you big guy! (it was payback for that damn picture! Yuck, Ick, AND Nast! But thanks though, I just lost my appetite!)

  8. JoElla, that's not just 'A' muffin top, looks to me like he's sportin' the full dozen, Oy!

  9. Don't know who Tim Gunn or Ed Hardy are (I think Ed Hardy is a clothing line?). But I'm TOTALLY on board with the "slobification of America" thing. I am so tired of seeing people walk around in pj bottoms, dirty t-shirts and just bad crap. People DO judge based on looks. Although you can't control everything about your looks, you can certainly control what clothes you put on. Man, I sound like my grandmother! Signing off now.

  10. It's hard for larger people to find things that fit correctly, as most patterns are based off of a sloper which doesn't account for fat rolls.

    It's nice for heavier people to wear things a slight bit bigger. That way, when you sit down in button-up shirts, you don't get that unsightly gapping in between the buttons. Just as long as it's not so big you'd be swimming in it, I'm sure you're fine.

    Not that I speak from experience, or anything...

  11. As long as I can change into my flannel pj bottoms and softer-than-silk worn out t-shirts as soon as I get home, we're all good. :)

  12. I have hated that Ed Hardy crap from the first time I saw it. Dennis Rodman and Jon Gosselin can have it.

    Love, love, love Tim Gunn.

  13. amen Moosh. i can't be home for more than an hour without my yoga pants, a tee and ponytail. anything else is criminal. i don't think i've ever sat on my couch in dress
    but that's inside! outside..sashay! chante! lol.

    Project Runway hasn't even started here yet Enty..big sad face.

  14. *sigh* I wish Enty would post another story so I don't have to see Mr Muffin Top every time I log onto this site.

  15. I love Tim Gunn, too ;)
    I did not need to see Jon's belly so soon after eating samosas.

  16. Whoa. Now that is a sexy beast!

    /sarcasm off

    Love love "make it work" Tim Gunn. Love Helen Mirren, too.

  17. Somewhere surrounded by kiddos..

    Kate is totally ROFL at this picture of Jon *snort*

  18. Me thinks TG is gunning for the vacant MR. Blackwell post.

  19. Haha, I'm with jax and Mooshki - I wouldn't dream of leaving the house in sweatpants, but the first thing I do when I get home is get comfy in my incredibly unflattering jogging pants (that I have never jogged in) that have a huge hole in the crotch, plus band t-shirts that are so old and worn out they are completely shapeless and can not see the light of day anymore. I'm all about comfort in the comfort of my own home. Not that I'm some kind of fashion victim when I go out or go to work, but Ed hardy t-shirts? No. Hell no.

  20. If Kate sees this picture, she will know she is better off without him.

    KellyLynn - we call that gaposis at our house.

  21. I can't wait for Jon Gosselin's irrelevance.

    Tim Gunn for president!

  22. I love Tim Gunn even more now!

    Although he would hate what I wear around my house. I'm all for the comfort and loose. When I go out in public I wear nice clothes but at home I refuse to be in something that makes me miserable.

  23. Love Tim Gunn.

    O/T: I am so quickly becoming bored with this season's Project Runway! Hell, I'm finding the Models On The Runway show more interesting and drama-filled! Lifetime Sucks!

    It needs more LETHA (That was for you Stella!)

  24. AUGH, the hand-under-the-shirt-belly-rub!!! AUGH!!!

    WHY do goes do that?? I see it ALL the time, and it's about the GROSSEST thing imaginable.

    Women never do it--do men just have itchier bellies? Okay then, can't they be rubbed through ugly tshirt?

  25. the ed hardy thing needs to go away...but he's wearing comfy converse shoes, so there is at least one redeeming quality to that ensemble.
