Thursday, September 03, 2009

Salma Hayek Pulls A Don't You Know Who I Am

How many have you been out to eat? Show of hands? Yes, it looks like everyone. Now, when I go to a restaurant, there are what I like to call tables. Most of the tables have chairs, although the place I most prefer to sit has one really long table and lots of stools. No matter where you choose to sit at the restaurant, there is one law that can't be changed. There are a finite number of tables that can be squeezed into the restaurant and when those are full you have to do something called waiting.

Apparently however, Salma Hayek missed this day of math class and found herself at Chateau Marmont's restaurant yesterday when their finite supply of tables and chairs were all comfortably occupied. So, what did Salma do? According to Radar, Salma freaked the hell out and yelled in Spanish and English at the hostess because there wasn't a table ready for Salma. Salma's friends tried to calm her down, but Salma just kept right at it and didn't stop until some customers had finished their meal and a table opened up.

I'm guessing Salma wanted the hostess to go to a table and forcibly eject someone because when there are no seats there are no seats. This wasn't someone pretending there were no seats. There actually were not any. I'm thankful her kid wasn't there to see it, but will probably end up with the same sense of entitlement if mom can't even realize there was no room for her to sit down.


  1. I think Lainey's article on this today was a semi-reveal of a blind she did about an actress who treats the help like shit.

    WRT Salma - couldn't she just twist a titty up and breastfeed herself while she waited for a table?

  2. she probably requires two chairs so her tatas can sit shotgun

  3. Maybe it was the breastfeeding that had left her so ravenous that she felt she needed a table RIGHT NOW.

    Actually, my nobody-but-still-a-jerk husband has done the same thing. It's embarrassing. I feel sorry for her dining companions.

  4. Wow, I used to like Salma, but this right here is soooo unexcusable, when good people become douches, lol

  5. In Salma's defense .. maybe she was having a hypoglycemic incident??

    Okay .. she was being a snot. Damn it .. I liked her, too. How disappointing!


  7. ugh. what a diva.
    she's may be a-list as far as fame, but she's a limited actress.

  8. She probably was bitchy even before she got to the Chateau, as it was her 43rd birthday.

  9. Anonymous1:32 PM

    This disappoints me, I really have liked her over the years. I suppose once you marry a billionaire, your standards change.

    lol at rocketqueen- twist up a titty.

    I don't know why she couldn't just wait in the bar like a normal person if she 'needed food now'.

  10. I was just singing the praises of ENTY and the CDAN community for being smart, sassy and amusingly intolerant of celebrity nonsense. This post is proof positive that you are the best!

  11. "There are a finite number of tables that can be squeezed into the restaurant and when those are full you have to do something called waiting."

    tee hee - I wrote my dissertation on how to determine the optimal number of finite tables. Loves it!

  12. Doesn't surprise me, but I *really* hope she's not like that in front of her little girl.

  13. You know how people swoon over Brangelina? That is how I used to feel about Salma Hayek. Not a good look, honey.

  14. That's too bad, I had hoped she was nicer.

  15. Huh. I always liked her. If this is true, I don 't think I can anymore.

  16. Aw, that is too bad. The good news is she is getting busted for it. Perhaps she'll reconsider next time.

  17. I am getting off the Salma train. Too bad I really liked her. Maybe the billions went to her head?

  18. I am getting off the Salma train. Too bad I really liked her. Maybe the billions went to her head?

  19. Maybe she was just having an off day? I'm sure we've all done something ridiculous like this and regretted it afterwards. The difference here is that since she is a celebrity the incident gets posted to every gossip site.

  20. Agree with you the Northman.....

    I remember I was at the Jamican airport and I just threw a major bitch hissfit for no reason but the fact that I was tired and wanted to go home.

    I swear people can't be nice and sweat all the time...there are days when you just just let it out and put people on blast....
    But it doesn't necessary mean that the person is a bitch all the time.

    I swear.....just for one minor incident that hasn't been verified and just be a malicious rumor I find it surprising that people who said that they like or now like I hate that bitch.

    I totally can see how rumors can totally ruin someone's life especially someone in the limelight.

  21. Ya, I'm not buying it either...

    My guess is her group had a reservation for maybe a 6 or 8 top and the restaurant, as many are prone to do, didnt have it ready.

    In which case, I'd be pretty pissed too.

  22. i think enty deleted my comment about Lilo

  23. I hope it was a one time incident 'cuz I've always liked her. ITA with Vanessa, I've certainly shown my ass in public a few times. Crappy customer service throws me into a complete tizzy.

  24. Ted C had a blind (about her, the clues were all there) awhile back about how she was SO mean to the staff at one spa, repeatedly, that they asked her not to return.

  25. It may be true and if it is then I hope it was a one time incident like someone else said she may have been having an off day, lord knows I get those too! I believe in giving people second chances. Anyone who would breast feed a hungry orphan can't be that bad.

  26. oh she needs to sit down and remember when she came to l.a. as a nothing (after having been big on the mexican soap scene)'d think that humbling experience would've stuck.

  27. What did you write littleman?

  28. c'mon. if you looked like salma hayek you'd have an aggravated sense of entitlement too. the woman is damn near perfect. you're asking too much if you expect somebody that gorgeous to have manners.

  29. Maybe she never played musical chairs as a child and she wasn't aware when the chairs are all gone you are SOL. ;)

  30. Then again, I get pretty fucking bitchy when I'm hungry.

  31. Oh, the problem with causing a stink in the restaurant BEFORE you get your food is that you never know what the help is gonna put in/on to get revenge. Such a stupid thing to do.

  32. I'm not sure about this. It could have been the Chateau's fault. I have attempted to eat/drink there many times & have always found the staff to be very snooty & unaccommodating. I always figured they were so bitchy to me & my friends because we weren't famous & they were saving the tables in case celebrities showed up.
    If there are dozens of witnesses to Selma's rant; o.k. but I am sure that the staff only fueled the fire

  33. LOL, Cindy, true dat!

    One thing we're all forgetting - Salma is single-handedly feeding all the hungry babies in Africa, so she really NEEDS her food asap! Think of the starving children!

  34. Used to like her until THAT episode, Moosh. Saw tape and the look on the mom's face was brought me to tears. She's off my radar now.
