Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rebecca Gayheart - Pregnant And Smoking

Apparently Rebecca Gayheart can't quit the nicotine even though she is pregnant. Yesterday paps from INF Daily spotted Rebecca leaving Bristol Farms which is a grocery store here in LA. As she got into her car she lit up a cigarette and then drove away. Maybe she was just stressed out because the people in front of her had more than the 15 item limit for the express lines. I mean that would make anyone smoke right? Oh, or someone who is actually cutting coupons while standing in line. I have had that happen before. The person couldn't remember what they had bought either and was flipping through the section and then had a pair of scissors just cutting away while the line grew steadily longer behind them.

I'm just hoping that Rebecca has given up her other bad habits. For more pictures of Rebecca's baby bump and her smoking, click here.


After reading your comments I went back to look at the pictures and I think they are real and from yesterday. Two things make me say this. The first is that she is wearing the same sunglasses in both pictures. Yes, someone can keep sunglasses longer than a couple of months, but in my experience, celebrities tend to get new pairs almost constantly in gift bags and I doubt she would use the same pair for very long. Second, judging from the strap of what she is wearing in the pictures of her smoking it looks like the dress that she is wearing in the head on pictures.


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