Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reason #6,142 That Jeremy Piven Is A Jerk

I might not be up to 6,142, but the number of times I have referred to him as an ass or jackass or jerk is steadily climbing to that number. Over the past several months much has been made of the fact that Jeremy Piven left the play Speed The Plow because of his battle with sushi. Or as I like to put it, movie sushi pays more than Broadway sushi and there are more extras from which to choose when you want to sample sushi.

Taking advantage of the humor and fun and ridiculousness of the story, Joe's Pub in New York City which is owned by Public Theater had a show last night which they fondly call The Piven Monologues. Yes, for a glorious couple of hours a cast reads the funniest things written and said about the entire sushi incident. Apparently it was such a success that the pub is having a repeat performance next month.

One snag. According to the NY Post, Jeremy is not happy that the production is being staged or that people are laughing at him so he had his attorney fire off a cease and desist letter to the theater. Take a damn joke Jeremy. Jeremy's attorney said the letter to Joe's Pub was not about halting the play but rather, "We didn't say you cannot do the play, we said you can't make defamatory statements about our client."

It's a comedy. It's satire. It's funny, and if Piven would laugh about it, and realize that it has no effect on his career and people are just having fun, I think he would have a much less stressful life. Hell, he should join the group for a performance.


  1. Anyone notice he wasn't nominated for an Emmy for Entourage this year?

    He's such an ass. He deserves all the ribbing about the sushi.

  2. How is it possible to get through life without a sense of humor? I couldn't get through a day without mine. I feel sad for people like him.

  3. Wow, what an ass. Never throw this guy a roast. Not that he deserves one anyway. Ugh.

  4. He doth protest too much.

  5. I like Enty's idea that he should join the group for a performance!

  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    So now we're not allowed to say nice things about people? Someone needs to acquaint Jeremy Piven with something called the first amendment!

  7. Seriously, Piv, be happy anybody is talking about you.

  8. I still love him on Entourage.

  9. If he didn't get his panties in a wad about it, the whole sushi thing might, just might, eventually fade away. His continuing to be a douche about it only makes the jokes fresh again.

  10. Well at least the plays cast isn't saying the reason you quit is because you can't really act and the only character you play is you.

    " to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity." Wm. Ward

    Mr. Piven you are an ass.

  11. Agreed he is splooge droppings.

    Isn't there a VERY old saying in Show Biz....."there is no such thing as "bad" publicity"?!?

    Douche lips should be paying them to do this to keep his untalented fug ass relevant.

  12. I would rather laugh with people than be laughed at. He is one stinky fish.

  13. i don't like him. he's a tool.

  14. Anonymous12:28 PM

    The guy is a jerk don't even like him anymore.

  15. Even Blagojovich went up on stage and shook hands with everyone when a local theater group did a political satire that mentioned him. I think even the cast was in awe that he had a good sense of humor about this.

    And don't forget when Halle Berry graciously attended and accepted her Razzie Award.

  16. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I meant bad things, not good things, I really did. But seriously, using your lawyer to scare people into silence when they have no legal obligation to keep mum or play nice, is just ridiculous.

  17. Agreed, Enty. Is he so out of touch that he doesn't realize that NO ONE takes him seriously anymore?

  18. Is that Elizabeth Moss (Mad Men)in the photo?
