Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Random Photos Part One

RIP - Frank Milford. Frank Milford passed away yesterday. Standing next to him is his wife Anita Milford. They had been married for 81 years when he passed away. They look pretty damn happy in that picture too.

Not going to be married 81 years are Dominic Cooper and Amanda Seyfried.
This is Brian McFadden. In case you don't know, Brain is the ex of Kerry Katona. Kerry is the one caught on tape snorting coke at home while her children were there. Some of those children are also Brian's children. That was two weeks ago. I believe this is the first time he has gone to check on his kids since this happened. That seems like a REALLY long time to wait.
The tourist smiling behind Brenda Song has no idea who she has just seen.
Thisclose to the top spot for Cruz Beckham today.
Eva Mendes in Venice
Eva up close in Venice. I don't see any cavities.
And after you finish reading the book, you can cook it up in the George Foreman Grill. Tastes just like chicken.
Random Spanish actor of the day is Hugo Silva.
Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Alba on the set of their new movie.
Josh Duhamel is running for his life. I think he found out Fergie tucks.
Jeremy Piven doing something nice for the fans.
Ditto Al Pacino.
Two types of photos of Leonardo DiCaprio. Bikes and basketball games. That's it.
The lovely (see, I used it too) Lori Loughlin.
Lourdes in the new Madonna video.
Madonna in the old Madonna video.
Mel B slipping the tongue to a stranger and then making out with her husband. No, there is no tongue with the stranger, but that is one hell of a kiss for a guy she met in a bar. There might even be some grinding taking place.
Not grinding Mel B, and the better man for it is Michael McKean.
Nigel Barker and the host of Mexico's Next Top Model Elsa Benitez.
The if they were naked this would be porn of the day photo. That is Miss Universe being groped by Miss USA.
Pete Best.
I never did get my Princess picture in a bikini, but the Prince got a new beard.
Forget Pete Wentz. I mean he has to have a name card. Look behind him. Tintin books!!
Sarah Jessica Parker returns to the 80's for SATC2
An up close look.
AnnaLynne McCord isn't in a movie so I'm wondering what her excuse is for this 80's flashback.
The Killers - New York City
The Veronicas - Las Vegas


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