Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Phil Spector Needs To STFU

Here's the thing. I am all for the innocent until proven guilty thing except for things that are totally obvious like Chris Brown beating up Rihanna and the Jaycee Duggard case. I don't need a jury to tell me if someone is guilty in a case like that and I sure as hell won't use the word alleged.

Anyway, I put Phil Spector right in that list also and he had his day in court. He had years in court and now he has been found guilty by a jury even though all of us could have told you this a long time ago. So, now that he is in jail for the rest of his life we should move on to new and different things like how I will do in my fantasy football league or what exactly is in fake tanner.

What we shouldn't have to deal with is Phil whining and complaining that he wants a nicer jail. Umm, excuse me. You killed someone. You don't get to pick what jail you are in. It is bad enough the administrators are keeping you separated from other prisoners because of your notoriety. They should have you in the general lockup.

Spector complained that he doesn't want to be in a prison that "houses gangsters and Manson types." Well, then you shouldn't have killed someone. Do you think Lana Clarkson enjoys being dead? Do you think she would have rather lived?

Oh, and do you know what makes this worse? Apparently the Department of Corrections decided to move Spector to a much nicer prison because his complaints attracted the press. Seriously? Unbelievable.


  1. Please publish where we could write to complain about this.

    Also, is there a victims' rights group in CA that could help return this nutjob to the joint he richly deserves?

  2. Hear, hear! The amount of evidence to support his off-balance tendencies prior to the murder was appalling...then to finally get convicted of a heinous crime and complain about the discomfort you're enduring? Ridiculous!

  3. Does he really think that he is NOT "a Manson type"? How many murders does it take to qualify?

    and it's not like that was the first time he pulled a gun on somebody. Just took him awhile to work up to pulling the trigger.

  4. Is there such a thing as a nice prison? I can't imagine being locked up anywhere is a picnic.

  5. Waaaaaah! I killed someone, got convicted of it by a jury of my peers despite every attempt to get a mistrial, and I've been locked up in a jail cell! Waaaaaah!
    I can't get cable, I can't get internet access and I can't get a phone! Waaaaaaah!!
    Didn't Paris do something similar? I seem to remember her breakdown got her sentence severely reduced, and even then, she got special treatment.
    Maybe Paris is actually Phil Spector in drag?

  6. I'm so sick of selft entitled twats who think they deserve better than "everyday people". They should get worse. Jail is not supposed to be comfortable ASS-HOLE. It's designed to be uncomfortable punishment. You no longer have the same liberties as those of us who follow the law. U.S. jails are still much better than those in some other countries, perhaps you should do your time in Saudi Arabia? Oh, that's right, you wouldn't get jail time for'd get the rope!

  7. his wife is a trip too! this old fool left her in charge of his estate. yeah, she's gonna work real hard to prove your innocence. right after she finishes boning a man close to her age.

  8. Actually, Lisa(not original), the federal prisons are not that bad. A guy I knew in college did a year there (insider trading in 1988) and came out in great shape with a lot more tricks learned from the other financial criminals.

  9. This is outrageous! They're treating him like a common thug and murderer! Oh wait. Suck it, Phil.

  10. "Well, then you shouldn't have killed someone."

    exactly. mofo.

  11. What does he want house arrest?

    PLEASE! His ass has never been normal. I mean when whacko was married to Ronnie he had a glass coffin made for her in case she ever left him. Didn't his sons claim he molested them?

  12. Does any criminal want to be in jail? Doesn't this open the system to have to house them all better???

  13. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Someone should super-glue Phil's hands and mouth.

    And who is the idiot that had him transported away from the criminals. He killed someone so he should be there with his buddies.

  14. Well, whatever IS in fake tanner, it made me really sick with some kind of flu-like condition one time and I'll never use it again!

    And this poor schmuck's days are numbered no matter where they put him.

  15. My bet is that he is trying to get them to put him on house arrest...not that they do that for murderers, but he seems a little delusional about his greatness, as does his wife.

  16. Thank you, figgy. Maybe Phil thought he was going to one of those. He needs to be referred to as his inmate number from now on, imho.

  17. Does he get to wear the dead squirrel in his new prison?

  18. Enty, once someone has been convicted of a crime, you can feel safe calling them that type of criminal and skip the "alleged." Besides, do those rules even apply to bloggers?

    Too bad there isn't a court to convict people of being assholes. Just once, I would love to be able to call someone a "convicted jerk-off".

    Just sayin.

  19. waste of space

    please let him suffer a jeffery dahmer type death by another lifer while retrieving soap

    he murdered mr. vargas's wife for god sake!

  20. Boo hoo, you don't like the jail you're in?? Pull your fucking head in and do the time, asshole.

    Seriously, this is unbelievable! He's a murderer for crying out loud. Prison is not a holiday camp, buddy.

  21. I think it's b.s. He was probably threatened by other inmates and that's why they moved him. Or some other reason but no one in the Dept of Corrections is going to kow-tow to an inmate. They don't have to.
