Monday, September 14, 2009

Patrick Swayze Has Died

Patrick Swayze, the actor who danced his way into viewers' hearts with "Dirty Dancing" and then broke them with "Ghost," died Monday after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 57.

"Patrick Swayze passed away peacefully today with family at his side after facing the challenges of his illness for the last 20 months," said a statement released Monday evening by his publicist, Annett Wolf. No other details were given.


  1. God Bless him. He was a class act.

  2. RIP Patrick
    A gentleman

  3. Awww, sadnesss. I hope his wife finds comfort in knowing how much he was respected and liked. RIP Patrick :-(

  4. He fought til the end, God bless him. My sympathies to his wife and family.

  5. my heart is broken.
    R.I.P. Patrick.

  6. my heart is broken.
    R.I.P. Patrick.

  7. RIP, Patrick Swayze.
    This is truly sad. I hope his family knows that many of us are thinking of them, and of him.

  8. Rest peacefully, dear man. A hard fight. Much respect.

  9. Not surprising that everyhwere I've read about him, people say "he was a class act." So sad; at least he's not suffering now.

  10. :( This year sucks. Just friggin' sucks.

    Peace in peace Patrick.

  11. Nobody ever wanted to put Patrick in a corner. A gentleman to the end. RIP.

  12. This breaks my heart. May he rest in peace after a long, brave battle against cancer.

  13. Gonna go Utube his SNL skit with Farley. Two lovely men :)

  14. RIP, Patrick. My prayers to his wife and family.

  15. RIP Patrick. <3 forever Johnny Castle to me.

  16. Anonymous6:31 PM

    RIP, Mr. Swayze. Pancreatic cancer's a terrible disease, I hope he died peacefully, he deserved that much.

  17. How heartbreaking. Rest in Peace, Patrick Swayze.

  18. Poor guy, died too young. RIP.

  19. RIP Patrick. May you and your family now be at peace.

  20. RIP Patrick. My thoughts are with your family.

  21. I had the same thought, mygeorgie. I laughed just thinking about it. (Then I got sad because they're both dead.)

  22. Very sad. I've always enjoyed him as an actor and you could tell he was a nice man. RIP.

  23. Anonymous6:56 PM


    Rest In Peace, Patrick. You were truly a class act and a great actor.

    I wish this "summer of death" would end already.

  24. So, so sad. Rest In Peace. Now you can dance your heart out in Heaven, sleep well. xx

  25. Very, very sad. Pancreatic cancer sucks. We need to force the drug companies to work on a cure for this damned scourge!

    Godspeed Patrick.

  26. A dear friend of mine recently passed away due to pancreatic cancer. Two class acts in less than a month....heartbreaking. Feeling like crying...hearts to his wife and loved ones.

  27. To quote what I said when this page opened... "Aw, fuck." I competed against Patrick back in the early 90's when I was showing Arabian horses. I can remember one show where he was entered and my mother was with me. She took one look and melted... and approached him - he was so gracious and sweet. A true sportsman and gentleman who loved people, horses - no matter who they belonged to. I will miss him. RIP

  28. Hearing this tonight made me cry. It's foolish but I adored the man and his movies. I'm glad he's a peace... I hope those he left behind find peace as well. (Obviously NOT IN THE SAME WAY but with their loss!)

  29. And this has been a brutal year for people dying too young...

  30. So so sad. I hadn't heard much about him lately and was just wondering how he was, may he be at peace.

  31. I'm racing you all to the video store for Dirty Dancing & Ghost!

  32. Oh! "To Wong Foo" with John Liguziamo! How could I forget that one?!

    He really was so much more than Dirty Dancing, and as PJNelson pointed out, a lovely, genuine man.

  33. Oh no! this is sooo soo sad. I remember growing up on Dirty Dancing-and Roadhouse (Claaasic)! He was magnetic and made you believe in his characters. I just feel like a part of my childhood has died too. RIP - you are missed!

  34. RIP Patrick Swayze!!!

    My thoughts are with his family.

  35. Damn What a loss. He was so talented and such a classy man. This breaks my heart, His wife must be totally devastated. My heart goes out to her and the rest of Patrick's family. He is going to be missed by so many people. RIP Patrick

  36. Point Break is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I can always watch it no matter what.

    Thanks for your work and rest in peace.

  37. amazonblue, I'm planning on watching Point Break this weekend. I wonder if I can find The Outsiders on dvd as well. Loved him in those movies. One camp, one serious.

  38. RIP Patrick.
    Thank you for your body of work, you were truly a gentleman and a gentle man.
    May you know eternal peace.

  39. @evergrey - Roadhouse...
    Oh my God that tush.
    That bears repeating...Oh My God, that tush.

  40. sad i again saw "dirty dancing" last week end!

  41. Everyone else has said everything I could have. I'm heart broken. Even though we all knew it was coming, I was hoping he'd beat all the odds.

  42. This breaks my heart in so many ways.... he was a very wonderful man and he will be missed.

  43. Such a great guy - and married forever. A very sad week with Jim Carroll passing at 60 on 9-11. So much talent, genius, kindness lost in just a few days. RIP Patrick!

  44. Sad, sad. He seemed like such a genuinely good person.

  45. Aw, I just heard. RIP, Patrick.

    One of the nice guys, and a sense of humour, too.

  46. RIP, Patrick.

    Okay, time for the summer of death to end. It's September, so everyone needs to just stay alive from now on.

  47. RIP, Patrick.

    He was truly a class act - a genuinely decent human being. He lived with dignity and died with dignity.

  48. This story is especially heartbreaking for Houstonians-we have always been proud of our "hometown boy done good". He will definitely be missed. Hope our news stations come up with some fitting tributes to him.

    I'm amazed he was able to battle this awful disease for as long as he did. I lost my wonderful aunt to pancreatic cancer last November after a very short, but hard-fought battle.

    Starting to get teary-eyed, think I'll go watch that SNL video now. ;)

  49. My heart goes out to his family. Such a brave man.

  50. I just loved him ... what a class act. RIP Patrick.

  51. I, too, lost my beloved aunt to pancreatic cancer last year. It's a horrible thing to go through, for all involved.

    And to anyone who says white guys can't dance, Patrick proved them wrong. The boy could MOVE!! :)

    RIP Patrick.

  52. Ya know, it's funny, I now live in the neighborhood he grew up in (Oak Forest)& have ALWAYS thought about him when I've driven by Waltrip High School...I guess that will be happening to a lot more people now. RIP Buddy

  53. In addition to his work on stage and in movies, he had a wonderful decades-long happy marriage. That in itself is a huge accomplishment, especially for a celebrity.

  54. Well if that line of Ghost is true and you take the love with you, he will surely take an abundance of love with him to Heaven.
    Loved him in Wong Foo. Miss Vida was a true "lady" and had real style.

    @Sporky sorry for your loss.

  55. He was my mom's favorite actor. She adored 'Dirty Dancing' and drove me up a wall singing songs from the movie. She died a year after the movie came out and I always associated Patrick and that movie with her. I was bummed when I found out he died but I'd like to think that now my mom can track him down in heaven and ask him for an autograph. ;)

  56. I'm heartbroken. I always wished I was half the lady Miss Vida was. He will be missed greatly, and blessings to his wife. I can't even imagine what she's going through.

