Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Other Side Of The Alicia Keys Swizzzzzzz Beatz Story

Swizzzzzzzzzzzzz Beatz and Alicia Keys have been in a relationship for awhile. Basically Swizzle Stick started messing around with Alicia while he was still married and the divorce process has slowly been grinding along. The other day, Alicia Keys posted a couple of Tweets to her Twitter which made Sizzler's soon to be ex Mashonda Tifrere a little upset.

Here is what Alicia wrote.

"Having a heated debate in the studio. love is it better to go the choice that is 'SMART,' or the choice that has 'SPARK?'"

Mashonda decided she would weigh in on this and she did so with a great deal more restraint than lots of people would do in a similar situation. I love what she said. It's perfect.

"After having a great evening with my son and enjoying some fun twit chat. I decided to sign off and get some work done. However, a few hours later I was advised that I should check @aliciakeys twit page. I've never reached out to her on Twitter before. I feel our issues are a lot more serious than a website conversation. Not to mention that I've reached out to her many times in the beginning of this whole thing, as any wife would do. Unfortunately, I never succeeded in getting a response."

"I made it very clear that on the contrary of what she might be hearing, I am still married to my husband, living with him and just had a child. It's been two years and I still have not received a response. What I do receive is constant displays of selfishness and disconcern to me and my son."

Is she really still living with Swizzler Beatz? That can't be right can it? I think she wrote that wrong.

"My concern with AK is no longer the fact that she assisted in destroying a family but that she has the audacity to make these selfish comments about love and wanting to be with someone, even after knowing their situation. How is this the same Superwoman that I sang out loud with in my truck? I ask myself sometimes. If you are reading this Alicia, let me start by saying, you know what you did. You know the role you played and you know how you contributed to the ending of my marriage. You know that I asked you to step back and let me handle my family issues. Issues that you helped to create."

"I read your tweets tonight and I felt they were very insensitive. You have no idea how much pain I was caused because of this affair. It's baffling to me that you don't understand what I might have gone through with this situation. I don't consider myself a victim anymore, I've learned a lot from this! I just ask you to try and be a bit more realistic and delicate to the situation, at least until my divorce is final."

Well said. Very well said. I like Mashonda a lot. I love how she was a fan of Alicia Keys and how Alicia has not lived up to the words she was singing. I am happy to buy you a drink anytime you want one Mashonda.


  1. Wow. That broke my heart reading that, but like you said, she stated her case perfectly and karma will take care of her in the end. Enty will buy her a drink, I'll take care of the hors d'oeuvres.

  2. I believe she meant that when she reached out to Alicia two years ago, she told her she and her husband were still together and just had a child - not that she still is today.

  3. I agree with Mashonda putting Ms. Keys on Blast...but, I don't think she should have put her family problems on the Internet...she is well spoken but, still bitter and I can’t blame her for that.
    Alicia was and will forever be wrong for sleeping with a man who was married ....I don't really care if he says "I'm filing the papers today. I’m going to tell him to call me when you are free... just my 2cents..

  4. I'm stuck on the fact that his name is Swiss Beatz. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one, huh?

  5. Classy lady. There is a special place in hell for women who go after married men.

  6. Wait. I thought Alicia was a lesbian.

  7. "Having a heated debate in the studio. love is it better to go the choice that is 'SMART,' or the choice that has 'SPARK?'"

    Seriously what grade is she in? This is just in pour taste. She already started a relationship with a married man. Sure, he is more at fault because he was the one who was/is married but she seriously needs to STFU.

  8. AK is disgusting. Haven't liked her since her racist comments a while back. What a shame such talent lies in such a steamy pile of shite.

  9. I know Syd I always thought she was too but apparently she isn't and she also isn't very SMART

  10. alicia is a lesbian and i suspect this is all pr with ole in the closet clive as the puppet master.

  11. Sue Ellen, you said it!

    Despite the sad fact that this is either
    A: An adulterous affair that is hurting people, or
    B: another gay cover up that hurts people (and who the hell would care anyway!), the bottom line is this is about a guy names Swiss Beatz? Hold on, I'm giggling too hard to type!

  12. She seems like a well spoken woman and shame on Alicia if that really is true. I thought she had a lot of class, now I don't know.

  13. I missed out on the AK racist comment... what was that?

    I dont know if I find this all that classy. Yeah, its not bad, but its still a very private matter discussed in public - and its been two years since they were married, right? Or are they still together?

  14. i think she forgot to mention another player in all this, her "Ex"husband.

  15. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Mashonda is the new classy. AK never was classy, although she apparently had a few people fooled for a while.

  16. Enty, the nom-de-disque of Kasseem Dean is "Swizz Beatz," not "Swiss Beatz."

  17. Who cares?

    They BOTH need to kick the SB to the curb - he's nothing but a skanky whore. 'Nuff said.

  18. Wow, AF is a jerk. Hope it happens to her someday, right after she has a baby.

  19. I'll buy her a drink too!
