Thursday, September 03, 2009

Oprah Isn't A Chris Brown Fan

Oprah basically threw Chris Brown under a well deserved bus today and doesn't care who knows it. Chris had whined to People Magazine about Oprah being mean to him and that she should be grateful for everything he had done for her.

People asked Chris about the show Oprah did on domestic violence right after the Rihanna beating and this is what Chris said. "I commend Oprah on being like, 'This is a problem,' but it was a slap in my face. I did a lot of stuff for her, like going to Africa and performing for her school. She could have been more helpful, like, 'Okay, I'm going to help both of these people out.'"

A slap in the face? Seriously? She slapped you? WTF? What about the beating you gave to Rihanna? You just want her to ignore that? Did you want her to put you on her show and say nice things? Please. Oprah responded today to Chris' remarks by saying "Oprah is very appreciative that Chris Brown performed at her school but she takes domestic abuse very seriously. She hopes he gets the counseling he needs."

Welcome to the real world Chris. Good job Oprah.


  1. chris brown also fails to realize that her main core audience is WOMEN.

  2. Go, Oprah, go! I'm glad she stood up to that asshole. It pisses me off that more celebrities didn't put him in his place. Why isn't he the social pariah he should be?

  3. Oh, she was mean. Lots of mean people out there this week. I hope the bus she threw him under leaves lots of tire marks.

  4. [Apologizing now for channeling my personality from D-Listed .. but this situation has worked my last nerve.] This Motherfucker has lost his GOD DAMNED mind.

    I am hopeful that CNN is correct beating the drum endlessly today that his interview with Larry King killed his career .. because I am ready to never see this fucking asshole again. I mean .. he has replaced Demi, Ashton, Bruce but NOT Rumer on my "Stars I Might Actually And Inhumanly React With Glee Upon Hearing The News of Their Death" list. You have to be pretty damn low and/or be a totally self-obsessed fame whore for that to happen!

    Okay .. gonna try to button all this pissed off back up now and return to my simple, nice Midwestern House Frau personality now. I really am normally a nice person .. really.

  5. Oh really, Chris? It's "LIKE" a slap in the face? Why don't you ask Rihanna what a real slap is like? Or a punch? Or a strangle? I'll take "like" any day. Poor you. Boo hoo. STFU.

  6. I hope there were a shitload of potholes in the road under that bus, too.

    If I never have to hear/see Chris Brown again, it won't be too soon.

  7. I normally can't stand Oprah but will say a big "thank you" to her today. Go back to the rock you crawled out from Chris Brown.

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  9. LOL, Harriet, I had forgotten about that.

  10. note to Chris Brown: don't fuck with someone who has a bigger platform than you.


  11. I'm not an Oprah fan, but I love her for doing this.

    On a related note, is it just me or is Chris Brown ugly? Those teeth! Oy!

  12. I like Oprah. And now I like her even more.

  13. I've never really been Oprah's biggest fan. But, as of today I have tremendous respect for the girl!

    Up to this point, it's all about how hard this has all been on him and how depressed he is over it all. Blah, blah, blah.

    Chris Brown is a violent psychopath. He didn't merely hit (not that that would be alright) Rhianna, he beat her to a bloody pulp, and no one has had the balls to call him on it. Until now.

    It's too bad that Joy Behar wasn't sitting in for Larry King the other night, because she would have ripped Chris a new one.

  14. Well said, Karmen. I wish he would just go away.

  15. Yeah, well I'm not a Chris Brown fan anymore either!

  16. @RocketQueen, so right! OR getting your face smashed into a steering wheel, that was my favorite.

    Almost sprained my thumb changing the channel when I saw this fucking lame excuse for a man on Larry King last night.

    Please please please let this man end up penniless in less than a year, oh please.

  17. this kid has a LOT of growing up to do...if he's like this at, what, 20? he's in for some serious reality checks...go oprah!

  18. What a whiny little bitch. ..Chris I mean.

    Way to go Oprah and I don't even like you. To bad you weren't wearing some large diamond encrusted brass knuckles when you slapped him.

  19. I can't believe the dumbass actually used the phrase "a slap in the face."

  20. Love Oprah's comment back, who in the hell does CB think he is, oh yea a self entitled rap star, it will not be too soon to see him just go away.

  21. wow... i have cringed everytime i have ever heard oprah's name, but i could begin to like her
    it kills me though that she is getting so much credit for saying what any human/humane/rational person would say
    she didnt throw him under a bus at all.... he took care of that all by himself. if anything she was careful and diplomatic. politically calling a spade a spade

    and as for geragos... i would enjoy so much to slap that smug mug right off his fug face... CREEPY bottom feeder

  22. I hate Oprah and even I know that was a dumbass move on his part. She is one person in the business that you don't piss off. He done fucked with the wrong woman now. She's gonna put the call out to the O-Army and that little fucker is gonna disappear now. "She hopes he gets the counseling he needs." is code for 'let him know how it really feels to be RiRi' and bitch slap that punk wannabe. I think Oprah could take him. 2-3 shots tops if she puts her hip in it.

  23. CB is a moron. He's surprised by Oprah's attitude?! She was a victim of domestic and sexual abuse.

  24. I always agree with enty but on this one I don't. Oprah should have offered to help Chris Brown. He may have come forward sooner and apologized more sincerely. I don't like what he did, but he doesn't have to pay for the rest of his life. Her snubbing him serves no purpose. There are plenty of other snubs. She is The Oprah. She should have met with him privately and insisted/offered he get true help. Boo to Oprah. and I wonder how much that has to do with Rihanna's connections to Oprah's new age friends in Los Angeles. I'll bet LOTS. Check Rihanna's myspace and you'll see all their names.

  25. @ pink cactus flower
    there arent enuf snubs to wipe the smug off that piece of shit's face for 30 seconds... i'd like to see your post if it was your daughter he beat to a pulp and left for dead. LEFT FOR DEAD. did you read the reports?
    sick world we live in.
    theres no hope.
    its all a joke to him.
    smug little baby blue bowtie.
    smug ass lawyer.
    makes me vomit.

  26. Yay for Oprah!

    Why should it be her responsibility to offer help to him if he isn't even taking responsibility for what he did? "That's not me." "I don't remember what happened." Sounds like someone who cares more about fixing his public image than fixing the actual problem.

  27. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I don't understand those 3-4 of you who think Oprah should have helped him. What? Is it Oprah's responsibility to help every fucked up celebrity? Yes, she gives many of them a platform to confess their sins, but with her background of abuse and neglect, I'd have been shocked if she'd even thought about having him on her show.

    Yes, he's 20. But, if he's old enough to beat in Rihanna's face, he's old enough to handle the public shaming and outrage that come with it.

    I'm waiting for the parole violation that will probably happen within the next 6 months. Time in jail with Bubba Bob and Leroy would do him some good.

    For the record, I'm no fan of Oprah. I don't dislike her, but I don't care all that much for her either.

  28. Hell, I thought her comment was restrained. He outta be happy.

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  30. I'm just glad this asshole keeps digging himself in deeper. Way to show the public you're contrite - not only feeling sorry for yourself that Oprah was mean :'( about you being a poor widdle domestic abuser, but showing no regard for the seriousness of your actions by flippantly using the phrase 'slap in the face'.

    ITA with everyone, I really wish this loser would go away forever. I don't think anyone who does something so horrific to another human being has a right to fame anymore. He doesn't have the right to be in any role model position and to make his living from people's admiration and love for him. He could pay his debt to society and still live a productive life out of the public eye. It really pisses me off how hard he is trying to hang on to his fame, as if the incident is an unfair wrinkle in his destiny. And it really angers me that his mother tries to play the angle that God wants him to give his gifts to the world. Fuck fuck fuck that.

  31. im with mrs george glass

  32. Oprah is going to regret this. Chris Brown MADE her. Who does she think she is?

    (rolls eyes)
    I'm ready for this to be over, he needs to disappear and never return. I'm sure Oprah has the connections to do just that. She should send him to Africa again and perhaps he'll get kidnapped and become some Village's Idiot.

  33. @peppermint p:

    you and i differ. If it had been my daughter I would have INSISTED Oprah talk with him privately after reaming him in public. Criticism alone doesn't solve anything. It is past time to vilify. It is time for therapy and healing. I don't understand people who want to punish for all time instead of understanding that there is a time for vilifying, a time for redemption. Everyone deserves that, even people who make horrible mistakes. Obviously we don't agree and I'm not going to get into a debate about it.
