One Of These Days Britney Will Get It Right
For the second time this year Britney Spears told a crowd Merry Christmas. For the second time this year she got the date wrong. At this point I am wondering if she says it as some type of code like I am having a really bad day and when I get off this stage there better be presents or a line of dancers naked for me to look at.
I wonder if the other holidays are jealous. I mean she hasn't yelled out Happy Thanksgiving Day or Columbus Day rocks. If you are going to shout out random holidays for the hell of it, I think she should add more to it then just Christmas. What about the feats of strength and Festivus?
The wishes for a joyous yuletide season come at about 2:17 in on the first one and if you missed her Christmas shout out earlier in the year it can be found at about 50 seconds in the second video.