Tuesday, September 08, 2009

NY Post Blind Items

WHICH son of a beloved rock icon has an impostor? The lookalike goes to S&M parties, wearing the same glasses his late "father" did, and doesn't correct people when they assume he's rock royalty -- but the impostor went too far by volunteering to appear as a foot-worshipping slave in a kinky video .

WHICH curvaceous starlet and her new Hollywood hubby were reckless at a swanky LA hotel recently? The normally private twosome were spotted snorting cocaine in front of other guests.


  1. 1. julian or sean lennon

    2. scarjo and ryan

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Carla you nailed it.

    At first I was thinking Jack Osborne for #1, but then realized that Ozzy isn't really beloved.

  3. For the second one, ScarJo and Ryan Reynolds?

  4. oz is beloved; just not dead.
    i was thinking lennon too

    scar jo and that guy?

  5. Nicely done, Carla.

  6. I say it is Roy Orbison's son whom dated Kat Von D.

  7. The first one was too easy. I thought Scarho and Ryan were having marital troubles...or did I imagine that story.

  8. I don't want Ryan Reynolds to be a cokehead! Damn. But I bet that's right.

  9. I think NY, and the glasses part, make the first one definitely a Lennon son.

    For some reason, for the second one I was thinking Josh Duhamel (sp?) and Black Eyed Pee-the-pants Fergie, but Scarlett & Ryan make much more sense.

  10. Vicki, I heard that too, although I guess that wouldn't keep them from snorting coke together. Maybe that's the only thing that gets them through the night when they're forced to be together?

  11. Anonymous9:43 AM

    #2: My first thought was Fergie and Josh Duhamel. Ryan and Scarlett are definitely more "private" though.

  12. I don't think I've ever heard Fergie referred to as a "curvaceous starlet".

  13. I was thinking Buddy Holly based on the glasses comment.

  14. I thought one of the Lennons too for the first one but "father" is in quotation marks in the BI...so does that take out the Lennons as a possibility?

  15. In quotes since John pretty much abandoned Julian and his mom?

  16. In quotes since the "father" isn't really the father of the lookalike. I would assume Sean Lennon, because Julian looks too much like his father to be copied.

  17. I thought the "father" in quotes referred to the fact that it's not the imposter's father.

  18. I think the quotes signify that he isn't the father of the imposter.

    Caralw, I'm from Buddy's hometown. Buddy married, but never had a child as he died before they got around to it :-(

    I think Carla nailed it.

  19. Who else other than Scarjo and Ryan? We have a friend in common and word is they are genuinely happy. Would actually be sad to see this one blow up, too.

  20. Sean Lennon

    Scarlett and Ryan

  21. Lisa(original), my dad is from Holly's hometown, too, and they attended the same high school together, but Buddy was a few years older and my dad didn't really know him.

    I googled curvaceous hollywood starlet and Scarlett's name came up alot. Also Drew Barrymore, but she's not married.

  22. I didn 't figure ScarJo for a coke kind of girl, but it doesn't surprise me.

  23. Does 1 year old marriage count as "new"?? in hollywood that counts as "long".

    And according to people:

    September 07, 2009

    Scarlett Johansson, holding court at a private back table at Teddy's inside the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel with husband Ryan Reynolds. Though they spent the earlier part of the night interacting with friends, as the evening went on, Reynolds moved closer to his wife and the two became more affectionate: She her hands all over his face and Johansson also kissed him and put her hand on Reynolds's leg as she tried to make him laugh. She also danced to songs like Outkast's "Hey Ya."



    The second could be Jenna and Channing Tatum.

  24. Jenna Dewan & Channing Tatum

  25. Roy Orbison's son wears glasses just like his father's.

  26. Lisa (original),

    Actually, Buddy Holly's wife was pregnant when he died, but the shock and pain was so much that she miscarried. I can't imagine the grief that poor woman went through, losing both her husband and unborn child.

    OT, Carla nailed it. Good job!

  27. Obviously Sean or Julian Lennon

    I think Scarlett is past starlet. Josh Duhamel and Fergie is my guess. She is pretty curvacious.

  28. fergie is not a 'starlet' on this or any other planet that i know of.

  29. #1. A Julian Lennon impersonator. Julian looks like his father, isn't from mixed origins like Sean, and John fits the "beloved rock icon" perfectly. Ozzy isn't worshipped and many people would have a slight idea of Julian's face without being able to distinguish from another guy with long hair and round glasses.

    #2. I also thought of Scarlett and Ryan. Curvy? Yes, sir. But "starlet" might not be the best description for somebody who's done a few good movies. Jenna Dewan is a much better guess.

  30. Katy, OMG, you're right! I'd forgotten that since there never was a baby.

    Momster: I went to that high school as well :-)

  31. Scarlett, who has always come immediately to mind with the words "curvaceous startlet," has gotten really skinny lately, which I think is a pretty good sign that she's snorting something.

  32. jessica alba and cash warren?

  33. The lookalike doesn't look like the father...he looks like the son, who may or may not look like his father, except they both wear distinctive glasses.

  34. Is anyone really still shocked at people recreationally taking coke? As long as it's not a habit is it really that bad? I'd say it's almost the norm in the UK and certainly I am always more surprised if people in the media/entertainment industry don't partake rather than do when it's so prolific in society in general.

  35. P.S.

  36. Piedpiper - Yes, drug use is as prolific as the violence surrounding the importation and sale of those drugs. GOOD, ETHICAL DECISION.

    If you ignore what coke does to you personally, it's still a bad habit --- simply because of the economy surrounding it. And until recreational drug use is legal here, like it is in Mexico, all those celebs and athletes and teens and users can feel great about their decisions, as they watch people die trying to get stuff over the border, or kids in inner cities shot in turf wars.

    When you (or a celeb or a pro athlete) buy coke or heroin or meth or X, or sadly, even pot, you're supporting a culture of murder, violence, gangs, --- here and in South American and the Middle East.

  37. Jittacatgirl... Yes I agree with you on that and this is the message that should be put across rather than just it's bad to do or illegal.
    I'm just saying it's not shocking but yes a misinformed choice. The fact that it's seen as so illicit just glamourizes it tho. Nobody talks to kids about the ethics of it, just that it is bad. Full stop.
    So what I was trying to say was I am hardly surprised. Having worked in the City in London and also for a time in media, the City guys won hands down in their drug consumption &these are supposedly some of the most educated in the land.

  38. I think every "culture" has its drug of choice. I worked for a time at the world's top search company, and the drug of choice among our employees was pot. In Arkansas, it's meth...

    What's really a shame is that recreational drug users won't step up and lobby against the crazy moms and the Christian right for legal status. When the Netherlands went to a decriminalized, regulated system, their citizens had some of the lowest drug use rates in the world. People think that legalizing recreational drug use will cause widespread addiction, but the thing is... VERY few people who don't use now are held back because of the illegality and would say, "OH GREAT! Gimme my coke!" Most people who would use already do. It would just bring it into light and TAX THE HELL OUT OF IT. Like booze and cigs.

    What would be even better is that the recreational drug users could get their stuff legally and would stay OUT of doctors' offices. Pain management physicians would be free to tend to those living with debilitating pain without fear of being under DEA investigation, agents posing as patients, patients being wiretapped and coached on how to get an incriminating statement...

    Pain patients would HAVE doctors. Doctors would HAVE jobs. And rec drug users wouldn't constantly be worried about where to go to get more, creating this pseudo-addiction.

  39. "VERY few people who don't use now are held back because of the illegality and would say, "'OH GREAT! Gimme my coke!'"

    Well I can't speak for anyone else, but I sure as hell would.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I think a lot more people would do drugs if they were legal. I personally think that is bad for society as a whole, but I also grew up in a society and a family where drugs were almost unheard of.

    Scarjo and Ryan for sure, her recent weight loss to me seems strange and could be a sign.

  42. No1uNo - If you're joking, that's hilarious. If not, then what's the big difference between that and alcohol? Alcohol does far more damage in this country than coke does because it's more available and cheaper, and it will always be that way. I say, enjoy yourself, at home, but if coke and drive, you'll be in prison.

    Linnea - You can say that all you want, but as I said before, the Netherlands, where recreational drug use is legal, has a FAR smaller rate of use than this country does --- a trend that started AFTER the decriminalization. This is a similar effect that you can see with Prohibition Era 1920s America. Making, selling, and shipping alcohol was a nasty business, and because people so desperately wanted it, it was consumed to excess.

    People, in general, will use good sense if given a choice. There are some unfortunate folks who have addictive personalities, but those folks will struggle no matter what. You might as well give the good folks a chance.

  43. hate to say but anna paquin and her new hubby
