I have heard of some really bad ideas in my time, but Disneyland deciding they are going to honor Michael Jackson is one of the worst ideas ever. This is a park that is designed for kids. It is supposed to be the happiest place on earth and I don't think that honoring someone who has a questionable history in his relationships with children should be the subject of a celebration of his life and career at a place that is supposed to make kids feel happy and safe.
The plan which is in the initial stages would have the park have a special Michael Jackson day which would presumably include everyone on the sex offender registry as well and they are all going to sit around and show the film Captain EO which was shown back in the 80's and 90's in the park.
An announcement is supposed to be made about the honor sometime this week.
So would you also close the Alice in Wonderland ride?
ReplyDeleteDon't hate on the Captain EO, enty.
ReplyDeleteeven disney's trying to cash in on mj? eep.
ReplyDeleteThe relationships are no longer questionable. The lawyers have come forward and said the people making the charges were questionable. Lawyers talked because confidentiality ends at death. More of that issue please......
ReplyDeleteThat post is uncalled for, Enty!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that you're writing this.
I think it's wonderful that they bring Captain EO back to honor Michael.
Let the damn child molestation accusations rest ffs!
The man was acquitted.
You're being inundated by the Michael Jackson "We think he's cute so screw his victims" Brigade today, Enty.
ReplyDeleteI know the Jacksons' former neighbor. I've heard about "signing day" with all the kids lined up to get their checks. There aren't just two cases, there are hundreds. Wake up to reality, people, your Jesus is flawed -- and was a pretty cutthroat bastard to boot.
Disneyland is just part of the big ritual of denial in trying to prop up the cash machine again.
OK, hate me if you want, but I'm gonna say it:
Gyahhh. I am so sick of Michael Jackson!
Thank Jah I was only in sixth or seventh grade when Elvis died! Was it this bad?
Yeah, it is always the same I know somebody, who knows somebody-tune. Just because we don't believe every crap the tabloids write so that gullible people like you want to buy it we are the ones who have to wake up to reality? Give me a break!
ReplyDeleteselenakyle, Elvis wasn't a pedophile.
ReplyDeleteMina, you need a break, hon. lol Everyone in LA knows ... everyone ... (except for the two or three Jacko Wackos who'll always pop up to say they don't) but I'll let you stew in your own delusions.
How dare you say that when you don't know the truth. Of course they should honor him there! Michael loved Disneyland and was an innocent child at heart! He loved everything and everyone. He was the most humble, sweet, kind and naive person I've ever known, and that's why people walked all over him. He would've forgiven you for your foolish words but I won't. In the end it's up to God to decide.
ReplyDeleteHaha I remember Captain EO. Pretty cheesy.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Enty on this one. I just don't find Michael Jackson to be anyone you would want to emulate or celebrate. But then isn't it Disney who brings us Miley Cyrus with her pole on the ice cream cart? Disney's not the stellar, clean cut icon it once was.
ReplyDeleteOf course, everyone in L. A. knows. That's why Michael was acquitted, right? Where were all those people who 'knew' about the alleged molestations during the trial? And where are those numerous kids who he allegedly molested now?
ReplyDeleteEveryone is trying to make as much money with Michael as they can and allegedly those kids and their families took money back then, so why not make some more now? You can never have enough of it, right?
So, where are they now?
Hell, why don't they just create a ride called "Bad Touch Uncle Michael"? There will be seats shaped like Uncle Michael so the kids will be sitting in his lap...they're given a shot of Jesus Joose before the ride starts and, instead of seatbelts, the wee ones are hugged tight by MJ's arms as they're whisked through the unimaginable horrors of Mike's bedroom. At the end of the ride, there's hush money and a free picture with Bubbles.
ReplyDeleteFantastic, idea Disney. Hear, hear.
I agree with Enty.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am sick and tired of seeing him plastered all over the media! I think the next thing is going to be let's canonize him. MJ the patron saint of glove wearers and young boys. BARF.
Yes. let's have THIS discussion again.
ReplyDeleteMelody, how was your neighbor able to witness Michael passing out checks to kids? Is it possible the checks were for another purpose? Unless your neighbor interviewed the children how would he know they were for hush money? If he did find out it was hush money then why didn't he go to the police?
ReplyDeletei hear they'll call it the diddler
ReplyDeleteUtterly reprehensible idea.
ReplyDeleteThis makes a mockery of society's concept of right and wrong - especially given the nature of the issues at hand.
However, whether he did it or not, he was acquitted after a trial. Just like O.J.
It doesn't matter what we think, the law has spoken.
However, we are free to think whatever we want.
"Everyone in LA knows..." I've heard that one before. Knows what exactly? Knows what they heard from someone else who also heard it from someone else? OR better yet, heard it from someone who sold a story to the tabs. Better make it more reliable than that.
ReplyDeleteLook regardless of what you believe or don't believe about the allegations against MJ, they were made. And many people believe them. And I don't see how Disney could think it's a GOOD idea to honour someone that so many people believe to be a paedophile. It just doesn't make good sense. But I guess once someone dies, everyone starts pretending that all the bad things about them never happened.
ReplyDeletePeople seem to feel pretty strongly one way or the other on this but neither the people that say he did it or the people that say he didn't can be 100% sure, because you weren't there. I think the fact that he was aquitted means we should probably lay the matter to rest, but the fact that he was aquitted basically on technicalities and lack of sufficient evidence means we should probably not honour and idolize the man either.
I really don't want to stir the pot, but it occurred to me that if MJ had died 20 years ago - maybe all the adulation would have been somewhat appropriate. As much as I enjoyed his music and performances, he was a really twisted dude the last 20 years of his life (and possibly long before that). Sorry, but he was.
ReplyDeleteCall me stupid but I tend to believe the lawyers that came forward on TV and said the people making charges were shady to begin with. And like others have said, where are those he molested now? Why aren't they talking?? Victims certainly talked about the priests, didn't they?!?!?! Confidentiality is over. The money is a done deal. Let's hear from the victims. I'm ready for that story.
ReplyDeleteBut, yes, let's have THIS discussion again.
lol @ Harriet Hellfire's comment.
ReplyDeleteI thought we agreed to not speak SHIT about someone who's dead?! Can we leave it there?
This is the most screwed up thing I have ever heard. Michael Jackson the child abuser(yes I know he was acquitted but so what?), being honored at Disney? Is this a joke?
ReplyDeleteDisney wanted nothing to do with MJ after the child abuse allegations came out, and now they want to honor the man?
The world is truly a f'd up place!