Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Maksim & Karina Break Up

Just when you thought a couple had the staying power to last in Hollywood, it turns out Maksim and Karina Smirnoff are just like all the rest. Broken up. Apparently Maksim broke up with Karina because she wanted him to take a backseat to her career. I don't know exactly why that would cause someone to break up, or what kind of career one can expect to move onto from being a dancer on Dancing With The Stars. Yes, Julianne Hough is a singer now but has anyone else done anything? A source close to Maksim also said that Karina was a "crazy b**ch." Those were the words of the source and not mine. All I know is that now each of them will be free to romance and fall in love with their partner on the show. It has been awhile since we had one of those.


  1. Wow - I'm actually a little shocked - can't explain why, but I am...

    Will we be getting a RV trip recap, Enty?

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Well, Maksim just kind of ruined any hope for a reconciliation by publicly calling her crazy.

    So much drama on that show. They really need to just film the behind the scenes, show the dances, and then rate the drama, not the dances.

  3. eep, what's w/ the mudslinging from maxim? no class.

  4. Wasn't she just his temporary "beard" anyway or am I just missing something?

  5. I am with Kristen S. - Who?

  6. This was the fakest relationship ever. BOOM not only are we dating, we're engaged! After...a month? Maybe two, tops?

    Months after multiple Kneepads features and suddenly postponing a wedding, the inevitable has happened. THEY JUST DID IT FOR THE PUBLICITY.

  7. Yay, he's all mine now!

  8. Anonymous1:51 PM

    It was fake from the beginning....he was just using her to cover up that he is gay and it started to leak out. Another George Clooney

  9. Who and who? And whoever that guy is he looks really creepy. Like the "I-own-a-van" type of guy.

  10. No kidding, I KNEW they wouldn't last.

    He's an asshole. I remember how he was with Laila Ali.

  11. Wasn't he the same jerk who partnered Kelly Monaco and was a complete bastard until she clued him in to the fact that she had burst an eardrum and thusly had huge balance issues?

  12. I always thought she was still in love with Mario and this guy was using her as a beard. My opinion still stands, then

  13. Um, he needs to do a couple of those buttons up.
