Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Lindsay Lohan & Kate Gosselin Have Dueling Playboy Offers

Yesterday there were some reports that Kate Gosselin had turned down an offer of $400K from Playboy to pose nude. She said no. I'm not sure if the offer was true, but it does lead to an interesting game. First, I don't think you are going to get Kate to pose naked for what amounts to the same earnings she would get for five episodes of her show. It just isn't going to happen. Second, do you think Kate naked is only worth about half what Lindsay Lohan naked is worth?

Last week there were reports that Lindsay turned down $900K to pose naked for Playboy. I know that offer wasn't real or Lindsay would have already been there and stripped and be plugging her issue. There is no way she is turning that amount of money down. Plus, she already posed naked once and did it for free, and practically flashes the world on a daily basis. Hef could offer Lindsay $100 and some IHOP coupons and she would be over there naked before Hef could swallow his Viagra.

The idea of a celebrity pictorial is that people will rush to buy it. I think people would be much more likely to buy an issue featuring Kate Gosselin rather than Lindsay Lohan.


  1. "Hef could offer Lindsay $100 and some IHOP coupons and she would be over there naked before Hef could swallow his Viagra."

    behaviors of a real, down and out drug addict. hef's to damn senile to even locate those little blue pills.

  2. "plugging her issue." Funny how the fact that you're talking about LiLo makes that automatically sound dirty.

  3. Kat would look a lot sexier. She at least has some meat on her bones.

  4. Both of these people-Kate and Lindsay need to just drop off the face of the earth. I am so sick of seeing Kate,her hair and fake tears (And yes, Jon is no Prince himself-sick of his Ed Hardy Wearing-hair plug having-mid life crisis-wanna be player-having ass too). Linds is one snort snort away from being like her "icon" Marilyn-cold, dead, and in the ground.

  5. 5 years ago, LiLo's Playboy spread would've flown off the rack. Now that she looks like she belongs on, I don't know how many people would want to see her naked.

  6. What I want to know is what the heck kind of illicit transaction took place that Lindsay was named creative director of Ungaro?

    I wonder if the designer who said he would walk away if she was signed is going to do just that.

  7. Karmen - I think 5 years ago, Lindsay was underage. Today she is 45.

  8. Naw, Lindsay's would sell much better. She's more popular. I've heard the name but I don't know the other woman.

  9. Gotta disagree with you on this one. I don't think the demographic that the magazine caters to would prove to be highly interested in seeing a separated mom in a naked photo spread. A lot of those guys can see something close to Kate at home & I would imagine the lot of them leave the room if their wives turn that show on. Interest would be minimal. Lohan's a skanky pig but at least she's packing a bad girl image which is somewhat more sexually appealing to the average man (at least over a mom w/ 8 bloody kids!).
    Being the savvy business woman that Kate appears to be, I would doubt that she would tarnish what's left of her 'good mom' image by consenting to accept a few bucks for this lark.

  10. I've seen that picture of Kate in her bikini several times and every time thought there was something wrong but couldn't put my finger on it. It just dawned on me that she has no hips/waist. You'd think after popping out 8 kids she would have some type of hips. Her body just looks kind of strange.

    And I don't want to see either of them in Playboy. Ick Nast.

  11. Why would any guy buy either issue?

    $900K for LiLo? Are you kidding me? She would pose for a few oxy & some flashy jewelry.

  12. Yeah, as with a few others I disagree with you Enty.
    More people know Lilo and Kate G., while having her 15 TLC minutes of fame is just more famous with the over 40 set as in women who would not buy playboy anyway. And I know she is all fucked up now but to me comparing the two women doesnt seem quite fair as Kate is only famous for being a ball buster who had too many children and Lindsay has been acting for 15 yrs. Not a huge Lilo fan but still, not the same kinda celeb.

  13. but the ihop coupon WAS hilarious! lmao

  14. If she turned it down, she must honestly think she still has some chance of resurrecting her acting career. Because Playboy is what you do when you're over or will never be.

  15. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Kate's body isn't that great for a Playboy spread.

  16. Okay, I'm all for wearing a bikini if you can pull it off.

    But it looks like Kate's c-section/tummy tuck scar is trying to fight its way outta her bikini bottoms.

    @New Life, some women just don't have hips; I don't either. And it's not like having a baby will make the bones spread any wider.

  17. this was hilarious...oh maaan

  18. I would rather have my dick hacked off with a fork than be forced to buy a Playboy with a nude Kate Gosselin over one with a nude Lindsey Lohan.

  19. DivineJoy, you were just kidding right? I live under a rock and I have heard of Kate G.

    And trust me, once they airbrush the pictures, both of them will look underage again.

  20. I know LiLo is in her early 20s but her face and body look at least a decade older than Kate's, even given Kate having popped out eight kids. So I'm going with Enty on this one.

  21. Did you guys see that there is a porn out called "jon and kate f*** eight?" Someone seems something sexy in there, apparently.

  22. I just spotted this the other day--a current picture of Lindsay posted with one from 2003. Hard to believe it is the same person:

  23. Hef should just tell Lindsay that Marilyn Monroe posed for Playboy. Then she will do it.

  24. Is it just me or is Kate's bellybutton waaaaay too high up her body??

  25. Why would any guy buy either one?
