Lindsay Lohan Is An Idiot - Still Finds Work
When I first saw that Lindsay Lohan had been hired by Formula One to host a weekend of great music this weekend in Singapore, I thought to myself who in their right mind would hire her? My second thought was oh she is going to be in Singapore. Maybe she will try and smuggle in drugs or get caught taking them and spend some time in one of their jails. If that happened though people would probably feel sorry for her and she would get a lot of publicity and the next thing you know she would be forced on us even more.
Lindsay got this gig hosting the concerts because Nicole from the Pussy Cat Dolls dropped out. I guess that means she and Lewis Hamilton must have split because why would she cancel? I don't understand what Formula One is thinking when they hired Lindsay Lohan. Is there not one other person in the entire entertainment industry you could have found?
Oh, getting back to the Lindsay is an idiot. She had a press conference about this event and was asked what she knew about Formula One. She first of all said she was a huge fan and then said, "I like to drive. I like cars. I like fast cars. I studied NASCAR for almost a year for Herbie. It was very hot inside those cars."
That is some in depth knowledge right there isn't it. At some point I hope she figured out that NASCAR is not the same style of car or racing as Formula One. Oh, and by studying she means that she went to a race once and met Jeff Gordon's wife once.
Lindsay was also asked by someone whether she knew Nicholas Prugo. You know the guy she was seen on a movie set with at least ten times and the guy who broke into her house with a Lindsay twin. "I don't really want to get into the details of that. That's for the detectives to do."
It sounds to me like Lindsay is covering up something. Why can't she talk about it? She hasn't been charged with a crime. I wish someone would have asked her about the missing jewels.
Anyway. Hey Formula One. Next time you are looking for someone to give $100K to for a weekend of hosting concerts you let me know. I promise I won't spend it all on blow and really bad fake tanner.