Lee Greenwood Headed For Divorce #4 - Cheating On Wife #4
Talking about Lee Greenwood makes a nice change of pace. It is good to see the people who don't get in the news much be just as scandalous as everyone else. Greenwood who sings the song God Bless The USA was spotted leaving a Hilton hotel in Tennessee with an ex girlfriend and most definitely not his wife.
"The woman and Lee first dated a long time ago, but they've recently rekindled their relationship after she went through a divorce," a source confirmed to The Enquirer.
They have been seeing each other once a week for the past five months. Lee is currently married to a former Miss Tennessee who is also President of Lee's company so that won't be messy when they divorce. The Enquirer actually got a hold of the woman Lee has been cheating with who confirmed they had met at the hotel but had just been talking about her divorce. Uh huh.
Lee's people just said the woman is an old friend. They didn't even try and deny the story. I mean why even bother? The guy has been married four times and probably cheated on all of the wives so it isn't like this is anything new. I do hope he gets some kind of frequent divorce discount from his attorney though.