Wednesday, September 02, 2009

LeAnn Rimes Getting Divorced

LeAnn Rimes is divorcing her husband. Most of the time it is the spouse who has been cheated on that does the divorcing but in this case I think LeAnn and Eddie Cibrian are ready to move on and move on quickly since Eddie was also the one who did the filing in his case. I don't know if LeAnn is pregnant or what but they are moving very quickly.

I love the statement from LeAnn's publicist. "After much thoughtful mutual consideration, Deane and I have agreed to move forward with dissolving our marriage. This decision was amicable and we remain committed and caring friends with great admiration for one another. Thank you so much for all of your continued love and support – it is deeply appreciated."

Mutual consideration? Does anyone think there was a chance they would stay together? What kind of considering did they have to do? The only thing to be considered was whether LeAnn was going to pay for Dean's culinary school that he is attending right now. I love how there is the extra "e" at the end of Deane. I think he might spell with the extra letter on like his birth certificate, but he has always gone by Dean so I don't know why they are dragging out the extra "e" now. I'm sure it is supposed to be in a gesture of good will, but all it does is look like LeAnn or her publicist doesn't know how to spell Dean's name.

The statement is pretty cold which I imagine is how LeAnn probably is as well. I give the Eddie thing about another six months before she finds another guy and Eddie goes back to his wife and begs for forgiveness.


  1. 6 months Enty?

    I'll take 18 months. Is Eddie in love, or is this a career move? I think he'll try to trade up to a bigger star.

  2. Deane is his post-op tranny name and they are splitting because he kept stretching out LeAnn's gowns.

  3. @ Cheryl, you made me spew all over my keyboard with that comment!

    I said on another site, but Eddie and LeAnn are cheaters and nothing will come of this 'relationship'. He will probably cheat on someone else and screw over LeAnn. Once a cheater always a cheater.

    However, the smug look that LeAnn has been sporting lately makes me think that there will be a pregnancy announcement in 3-2-1...

  4. The problem with marrying as young as she did is that one's gaydar might not be fully developed. Hello, Dean(e) has a major case of the gayface.

  5. ...not that there's anything wrong with that...

  6. I'm shocked ...Shocked I tell you.
    (roll eyes)I say that she will dump Eddie in about 8mos. when she figures out this was a publicity op for him.

    P.S. I wonder if Dean with the extra e would have filed at all if LeAnn hadn't?

  7. When Leanne first came on the Country music scene, I said about her then "give her 10 years, 3 divorces and a couple of stints in rehab and then her voice will really truly amaze you" - unfortunately, I was being sarcastic - but it hurts to see that she's fufilling that prophecy.

  8. enty, what in the hell did you want the statement to further say. you wanted a hallmark card with music too?

    eddie's just trying to trade up. i bet these two marry.

  9. I'm going with the Price is Right strategy over Nosey Parker (great name, btw) and saying 16 months.

  10. the statement was poorly worded. it should say something along the lines of "dissolution of our marriage" rather than the unfortunate choice, "dissolving". damn, i'm picky.

    i give her and eddie 6 mos. it always ends how it starts.

  11. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Well if LeAnn turns out to be preggers I am sure Eddie's about to be ex will have something to say about that LOL.

  12. I could swear that LeAnn and hubs were the subject of an old BI that said the wife invited other guys into their bed because the hubs didn't know which way he swung.

    If that's true, and he's gay or trying hard not to be, then she made a huge mistake marrying him, and so young, too. It doesn't excuse her recent behavior, though.

  13. Lioness70, I think they were the accepted answer for that BI but don't recall if it was ever revealed.

    She was never really going to stay with Dean(e) forever as she was far too immature and reeling from her family drama to make much of an informed choice. The fact her gaydar failed is beside the point. That said, anyone who ever saw their episode of "Cribs" would've worked that one out.

    For her sake, I hope she's not in the family way as Eddie doesn't seem the greatest of fathers.

  14. I have a close friend who is part of Tim McGraws band. He told me a story about her being at some concert thing where several artists were performing. She was staying at the same hotel with hubby and every time he saw them she was bitching him out so bad she made Kate Gosslin look like a piker. Real mean bitch.

  15. I think that if the Eddie Cibrian thing had not become public, she and Dean would have stayed married. I don't think this is her first 'indiscretion' and I also don't think Dean had a problem with it. Somewhere along the way, someone decided this should be made public and I think that someone is Eddie Cibrian. I bet he made sure those pictures of them in the restaurant were taken. Now she HAS to make up her mind.

  16. And wasn't there another BI about them quite recently? I don't remember much of it, but it said that though everybody thinks the couple might divorce because of her, husband is the one to blame. It also included some indiscret behavior by husband.

  17. weren't Leann and his husband a blind item on a gay husband and his famous wife several months ago?

  18. I know what BI's you're talking about, and Dean and LeAnn were a popular guess but it was never revealed. And I have a feeling it won't be, but we can always hope...*L*

  19. I agree with Harriet Hellfire, that Cibrian made this public and if not for that, Rimes and Dean(e) would have just stayed married.

    If there's a baby, I'll say 3 years. If there's no baby, and someone makes the mistake of casting her in any other movies, I say she'll hook up with another costar and dump Eddie much the same way she dumped Dean(e).

  20. Don't know if I'd divorce my 'flamboyant chef' husband
    but I'd certainly DO Eddie.

  21. I also think Eddie decided to move on from the wife. Who did not have an income near as high as LeAnn... nor ever would.

    I have heard the same thing about her being a world class bitch. So Eddie is in for a fun time with LeAnn... for she is no fool. And has alot more money than him so he will have little control over her. Unless he gets her dickmatized. hahahaha!

  22. I agree, Northman. I think she's p.g. Clocks ticking, she wants kids, and wasn't going to get them with Dean.
    I don't think either of them "made" this public. I think some unknown person got film and sold it. Way too good to keep under wraps.
